Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Frustrated Bluegreen Owner Has Her Opportunity To Speak

A few weeks ago I saw a tweet from some expressing displeasure with Bluegreen for not being able to get out of a fully paid off timeshare.  I contacted the person and gave her the opportunity to tell her story.  This is it.  I've only made minor grammatical edits and deleted her name as she want to remain anonymous.  It's a long post, but very much on target and well worth your time.

Hello Lisa -

I take it you could read a little sarcasm into my tweet.  I apologize - I did not mean to offend. Fact is, I was venting and no one ever reads my tweets anyway.  Here is a synopsis of our situation.

We purchased a timeshare in what I think was January 2002.  I don't have paperwork in front of me.  We paid within a very short amount of time the full amount of the deed. We were young and in love and planned on spending all of our vacation time at Big Cedar Resort.  The Wilderness Club through Bluegreen seemed to be legit, after all - Bass Pro was one of the most respected businesses in our part of the country.  Everything through them is 5 star top notch.  We can drive there in half of a day, and spend quality time as a couple and family.

At the time, there was one lodge with one more coming, and maybe 13 cabins.  From day one, it has been a joke trying to stay there.  Or anywhere.  We rarely use any of the points. Ever.  Even when we vacation, we don't even bother trying to book through our points. Our maintenance fee we pay annually is well over $1000 (thanks to the fact the "2 bedroom" we signed up for was really a 1 bedroom and a lockout....so YAY...2 units...2 maintenance fees.)

I get so frustrated at the people who try to put a spin on owners who say, 'well you should have known what you were getting in to?" We get it.  At the time, we wanted what they were selling.  It has never ONE time, felt ANYTHING like what they were selling, EVER.

And I have never heard of anything that you couldn't be done with at some time.  You can sell a car.  You can sell a house.  You can wean your kids off of your salary at a certain age. You can give away a pet.  Lifestyles change.  Preferences change.  Priorities change.  I am THRILLED that some people are completely smitten with the timeshare lifestyle.  It should not be that big of a deal that we aren't as impressed for us.

But the fact that it appears to be the most locked in, binding, insanely ridiculous life-long contract eludes me. I watch my husband have a meltdown every year when fees roll around and he realizes that he works 90 hours plus a week and none of his family had time to use the points.  We can't plan anything in our lives more than 3 weeks out- and it is certainly not feasible for us to fly as a family, and then rent cars and then pay for the activities once we get somewhere.  We just aren't THAT into vacationing.  Something we did not know prior to having all our kids.  

I am ALWAYS tempted to stand at Bass Pro or anywhere I see people trying to sign people up for these tours and pitches and wear a sign that says ASK ME WHAT MY EXPERIENCE IS...... which is sad.  I want people to enjoy the resorts and travel.  But how in God's name am I locked into this madness for life? I honestly cannot believe that no one has gone all postal on one of these places.  It is such a trapped feeling.  If I am being completely honest with you, when I think "timeshare" I think "slit my wrists." Extreme? Yes. Would I? Of course not. But that feels like the only way out.  BUT WAIT? Is it? Don't my kids have to inherit, then?  See how grotesquely crazy that sounds?  It is just a stupid one week vacation a year......it should be able to go away.  I just want to know how.  Thanks for letting me vent.  

Lisa- this is my latest communication with someone. It sounds like every other communication I have ever had. Again --Amazed over the permanency. I could get a divorce easier than ridding our family off of a stupid purchase. Again- we had no regrets when we did it. We thought it SOUNDED awesome. Years later- after deed is several years paid in full- just have stupid maintenance fees to a resort that took a ridiculous turn away from the 5 star resort vision of Bass Pro, we just want to cut ties.

I have been directed to Pinnacle – Bluegreen’s sales office. They never do anything. They send out packets with a ridiculous amount of paperwork- once you hound them enough- but then nothing is ever done with it. We have not tried the give back the thing because everything I am finding online says they won't do it. We tried eBay for a dollar a few years ago and all that did was attract people who would "sell it for us" for a fee. My husband literally works in the fields in the farming industry 80-100 hours a week.  Labor intensive. I work up to 40 hours a week for free at my kids’ school as a volunteer coordinator. The last few times ours has been used has been as a donation for auctions- and then the guests that go are hounded about buying- so it is not a good experience.

When I have booked a trip (very rarely) they try to trap us into a meeting on your vacation to buy more points. Again- Big Cedar- the property where we thought we were buying was a 5 star resort. What the timeshare has created is a pitiful overcrowded stepchild version where I wouldn't want to spend my time. We have bought a vacation home in a location we love that fits our needs. It is the convenience and family time and luxury we thought we were buying into at the time of the timeshare purchase.  We are happy and fortunate. We just want to leave our past mistake behind us and move on.  That $1400+ we are giving to Bluegreen every year could go to our church, our school, our son’s mission trips. So many better useful places. Again- we have acquaintances who love their timeshares who use them faithfully. It is just not for us. 

Once you sign a contract and go past your right of rescission, there is very little anyone can do for you unfortunately. If you have a loan, you probably cannot walk away without bad credit due to foreclosure. Or you can pay an attorney thousands of dollars to try to get them to forgive your debt.  Buyers are few and far between.  Resale market is at rock bottom prices. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If you would like a referral to a resale broker or attorney, please call my office.


Hey Kelly,

I received this email earlier from someone needing to get out of their timeshare. I'm not afraid to admit that I am completely ignorant on the topic; I thought you may be able to help them out with your knowledge of the industry. I am forwarding you the email I have received and their contact email. 

I am in need of trying to find out how to begin the process of cutting ties with BlueGreen Vacations Wilderness Club at Big Cedar. We have been members since 2002 I think. Paid well over $22,000 in full for and now pay maintenance fees annually that are basically equivalent to what a vacation would cost. We were young and naive and believed the salesperson. All we wanted to do was have more time at Big Cedar. What a sad joke that was. All we want to do is walk away. Relinquish the deed. If you research on line, it is easier to give up a child than it is a time share. It has totally ruined our honeymoon impression of what was the greatest resort this side of the Mississippi. I just need guidance from a real source, not another arm of the timeshare never ending scam, giving advice. You can sell a house, you can change careers, you can move out of the country, you can wean your child off of your bank account; there has got to be a legal, simplified, honest way to get out of a timeshare. It should not be a secret. Any help or guidance to the next step would be more than appreciated. Most Sincerely




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Anonymous said...

You should take up a collection and sue them. Not because you can't get out of your contract, though the world is more than ripe for some caselaw on that, but because you can't use your points.

IMHO if you call and have points and want to come there to your "property" three weeks ahead you should be able to come. That you can't is tortuous breach/ That's what I would argue.

When they sold you the "property" you were told you could go there. That you cannot is the problem. They have either sold too many, not built enough, or they are renting your property out from under you and keeping the money. In any of those cases I would argue they owe you money. Like I said, ripe for caselaw.

As to being able to get rid of it that is ripe for legislation, since in real property matters in most jurisdictions your liability for any debt related to real property is limited to that real property. If you don't pay for your house the bank takes your house and you are home free, albeit with a foreclosure on your credit report. In timeshare matters the problem is much much worse, and that should be solved.

If that were addressed by state legislatures timeshare owners would be changed from a cash cow for timeshare companies to abuse to a valuable customer that they badly need to take good care of so you will keep paying. As it is now you are a victim.

Anonymous said...

What to do with a Bluegreen timeshare? No easy answers. Speaking from experience, any resale company that succeeds in re-selling Bluegreen timeshares will quickly find themselves under fire from Bluegreen attorneys. Bluegreen claims that neither you (the owner) nor a resale company working on your behalf has any legal right to use their trademarks or images to advertise your timeshare. Since the name of your resort itself is a Blugreen trademark, this can make even identifying your resort for the purpose of selling it a real challenge. Additionally, since you (like most unhappy Bluegreen owners) have not been using your points, it's unlikely you have any photos that are representative of the resort where you are deeded. Bluegreen's lawyers will tell you that as an owner you have no "fair use" rights to their trademarks or images whatsoever.

Bluegreen actively undermines the resale market for their points by having their attorneys petition Google to have resale companies advertising Bluegreen timeshares removed from the search results & even de-listed from Google entirely.

There truly is no other developer as committed to making their product difficult to sell than Bluegreen, and I pity owners like yourself as there is really no way to sell.... And, morally, would you want to pass such a nightmare onto someone else anyway?

I hate the idea of viking ship LLCs - but that's probably the only moral thing to do with Bluegreen points.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Yesterday, April 10th, 9 days after this blog was published, someone from Bluegreen e-mailed the owner who wrote this. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

This Bluegreen outfit sounds like slavery to me.

You can't sell, you can't give it away, you can't use it yourself, and you have to pay a lot of money for it even though you don't want it anymore.

You own something that has been rendered worthless by the same people who sold it to you.

Sounds like Tortuous breech. No one would buy something on the basis you describe, or that the other poster described. So they can't have disclosed any of this to you, or you would not have bought.

Only a fool would buy something that is worthless. Less than worthless. So you didn't buy that.

That it is less than worthless must have been concealed from you.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Update: As of this morning, April 14th, there has been NOTHING to report. The owner in question and I are disappointed. What is the point of having social media channels if a company is not going to make use of them? They're not meant as showpieces, they're there as valuable tools.

Anonymous said...

Time for the Viking Ship LLC!!

Anonymous said...


They are probably hiding under their desks. This is ripe for caselaw and for legislation. They know it.

I think if I own a timeshare and I call them two weeks ahead for reservations that should not be a problem.

If I want to sell it or get rid of it that should not be a problem.

Since all these are problems with this outfit they need to be sued, and the feds should get involved and regulate them.

Of course the reservation problem pervades the timeshare industry, you have to make plans a year in advance. Why? RCI and the resort are renting out your property, and keeping the money. At a minimum you are due the rent.

Timeshare is a completely one-sided proposition, bordering on the unconscionable.

Unconscionable agreements are generally unenforceable under the law.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

As of this morning I have e-mailed this owner/Guest Blogger three times to find out if Bluegreen has contacted her and if some resolution has been reached.

I get nothing. One of three scenarios spring to mind: 1) the owner is out of town and has no access to e-mail 2) the whole thing was fake from the onset (doubtful) or 3) someone has been told to keep quiet.

I'll keep trying to get an update posted.

Unknown said...

My wife and I bought our Bluegreen timeshare a few years ago. Now we are being drained financially because of monthly payments and the outrageous maintenance fees... We want to sell and are willing to lose a little to get ride of it....But we really have no idea how to begin this process... Please Help!!!

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Charles...please e-mail me at lisa@timeshareinsights.com and I'll give you some pointers and suggestions. Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...


Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Thanks for writing. I empathize with your situation. There are a number of ways to sell a Bluegreen or any other timeshare. Please e-mail me and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

if enough people just said take it, the whole company would just fold.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tammy Petro said...

Lisa, I stumbled across this blog Googling "how to get out of a bluegreen timeshare". My husband & I are having a very hard time getting any advice on what our options really even are. I would greatly appreciate ANY advice/direction on how/where to look. Ours has been listed on Pinnacle (their ONLY recommended place to sell, which is also owned by Bluegreen from what I understand) for almost a year with multiple price reductions on our part, with NO interest whatsoever. I'm feeling physically sick trying to navigate the best course of action on how to deal with this seemingly impossible-to-escape-from nightmare.
If you could email me @ banana99212@hotmail.com I would appreciate it SO much!
-Tammy in Spokane, WA

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Kelly, I have just emailed you.

lissa5168 said...

A friend is trying to sell his Bluegreen timeshare and all we are running into are roadblocks. We are finding in very difficult to get any information or advice. Would love if someone could email me with any information on getting out of this without a foreclosure. lissa.smhhh@gmail.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Why would you be foreclosed on if you are buying it?

lissa5168 said...

He wouldn't be, that's the point. He wants out, hopefully by finding a way to sell. Everyone is telling him that the only way to be free of Bluegreen is to let them foreclose. He doesn't want to do that. He is current on all payments.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Tammy, I will e-mail you.

Unknown said...

I would love if you can help me.. to sellor at least get it off of me.. luis.julian.ramirez@gmail.com. .i was young and in a different economic situation. .since i bought i never use it. .thanks

Anonymous said...

Help! Really want to unload a fully paid timeshare with Bluegreen. Is that possible? We don't use it and are tire of paying maintenance fees! HELP please!

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Since you choose to comment anonymously, which is fine, I can't really point you in the right direction. Kindly email me.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Is it paid for?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa. My grandmother is looking to get rid of her BlueGreen timeshare. My grandfather passed away and she is not in good health. She cannot afford the admin fees and it never gets used. She has been given the runaround about trying to sell it and cannot just give it back. Please help! Thanks kindly, Allen (top.of.the.chop AT G M A I L .com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Allen, kindly e-mail me and I'll see if I can provide some pointers.

Anonymous said...

Send me an email at rockyc@cccb.edu about how to sell a blue green time share. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, i need to get rid of my blue green time share, can you help me please?

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa,

Like many others on here I have a fully paid for bluegreen timeshare that is not at all living up to what it was hyped to be when we bought it (and we went in to the deal telling ourselves we will NOT be scammed!) The maintenace fees are more than what we would normally spend on a vacation and have become a burden. If you have any information for us as to what our options are it would be much appreciated. tk2aci@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa,

You may think my wife and I crazy, but we are interested in BUYING a bluegreen timeshare. We are looking for a 40 - 70k points package. Timeshare must be paid for and maintenance fee uptodate. But as you know and evidenced by the posts on the page, the points themselves have no value and we would buy them for $1.00 and assume the lifetime yearly maintenance fee.

The question I have is if we buy several lower point value timeshare can they be combined into just one deed thus I would pay just one maintenance fee?



Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Thanks for writing Chris. The issue of combining the points into one deed is an interesting one and one that can only be answered by Bluegreen. My initial thought would be that they would not allow it, but I'm curious on how they would respond.

I'm glad to hear that you want more timeshare, that's a good thing! However, as I am not licensed, I can not broker any arrangements between you and anyone looking to sell.

If anyone looking to sell wants to send me their e-mail address privately, and you do the same, I can connect you.

Let me know what Bluegreen says!

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa! Before we for married, my wife and mother-in-law purchased a Bluegreen timeshare, which probably like most people you hear from, seemed like a good decision at the time. However, her mother can no longer afford the timeshare and we have assume responsibility. Now married, we payed off the timeshare completely and have to contend with the every growing maintenance fees. However, we rarely have opportunities to use the points. We are currently staying at a Bluegreen property this weekend and plan to ask then about selling the timeshare during our meeting. I don't expect to get anywhere based on what I've read on your blog and would appreciate any assistance you can offer. You can reach me at diamond0924@gmail.com. Thank you and Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa,

I would also like your advice about getting rid of a paid-for BlueGreen timeshare. Any info you can share will be appreciated.



Unknown said...

Hey Lisa,

I would also like your advice about getting rid of a paid-for BlueGreen timeshare. Any info you can share will be appreciated.



Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Please e-mail me. I can;t very well answer you with no e-mail.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa -

I just stumbled across this online site. Yes, we, too, have a fully-paid-for timeshare, and due to medical bills and an unforeseen health situation, we must get out of it. Can you please e-mail me at kgaylord0005@charter.net. Thank you!

uthleader said...

Don't know if that previous comment went through. We are contemplating the sale of our fully paid for Bluegreen timeshare. Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! uthleader2003@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Same situations here, Lisa. Please email me with any help you can offer. mgunter96@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Lisa - My wife and I have a fully paid and up to date Bluegreen timeshare that we just want to unload. Any pointers or tips you can give us would be appreciated. november9_01@hotmail.com. Thank you.

AngieK said...

Hi. My new husband and I got the timeshare in his divorce and cannot keep affording to pay. Please help. Angiekimbro at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Lisa - Sad to say, my wife and I also have a fully paid and up to date Bluegreen timeshare and just want out. Any advise you could offer us would be greatly appreciated. kirby1958@gmail.com

Jen Riley said...

My wife and I can no longer travel and have a bluegreen timeshare. How can we stop paying the yearly fees. Please e-mail me at nmkemr01@yahoo any suggestion you have. Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

I want out of my Bluegreen timeshare. It's driving me nuts. Not what I was promised at all. Please help. My email. ...whitworth.martha@yahoo.com

GooWee said...

No longer able to join this blog ....... it tells me each time I try to try again later! I have tried many times.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

You obviously just did join the conversation!

Anonymous said...

Does Chris still want to buy bluegreen points ? We are four widow owners who have 35k to sell.Give him my email seamsterlady2@cinci.rr.com

Richard said...

Hello Lisa
We are currently purchasing bluegreen and would like out we can no longer afford the payment so maintenance fees. We were referred to pinnacle also and have not yet contacted them. Any information would be appreciated thank you Richard my email is Rowdy5150@msn.com

chase5 said...

Hi Lisa,
i stumbled on this while researching ways to get out of our Bluegreen timeshare. It's finically draining us and we haven't even used it once. if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. thank you. my email is chase521@aol.com

Lee W. said...

Hello Lisa
We are currently own a Bluegreen deed and points and need to be out from under it. I've been unemployed for a year and we can not afford the maintenance fees. It seems from internet research that this literally can't even be given away! It costs us $1300 in fees for a week of vacation EVERY TWO YEARS! Plus we have to pay about $350 each trip for a second bedroom up grade. We are lost, please help!Our e-mail is jls1542(AT)sbcglobal(dot)net
Thank you so very much!

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

To Everyone:

If you are posting your e-mail on this blog, which is accessible to the public, you may or may not be solicited. My advise remains to NOT engage with any entity that initiates contact.

If you are posting your e-mail, I have responded to you via e-mail.

Lastly, I'd LOVE to hear from any and all Bluegreen owners who are satisfied with their timeshare.

Unknown said...

Hello Lisa. Like the others posting on your site...I too an assisting a family member who is a unhappy Blue Green owner. Any hints and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. It is so frustrating and wrong to own a timeshare--free and clear--and be unable to sell it. Thank you in advance for any info and help you can provide. A special note: To any entities...DO NOT contact me! Only Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader. Again...NO ONE ELSE! SuziShot1@gmail.com

Turbodog said...

Hi, Lisa -
Like many here, we are looking to sell our paid-for Bluegreen timeshare, due to change in lifestyle and financial situation. Please email us at turbo dog @ comcast DOT net.

Thanks, Gary Pageau

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Gary...please e-mail me your correct e-mail address. This is not a valid e-mail.

Unknown said...

Any advice for someone trying to get out from under timeshares (yes plural) that are not paid off? We currently have three that we purchased starting in May 2007. We also bought a sampler to"freeze" out price per point and to try and get to the next tier so we could "sell" them through bluegreen.

Unknown said...

Any advice for someone that has a few of these traps that wants to get away from them but they aren't paid off? We have a child now that takes all our money and free time

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Jimmy, if they are not paid off, you will not have much success in selling them as most timeshares sell for 1/4 or less of what the original purchase price was. I'd look into renting them and at least recouping some costs.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

You purchased additional timeshare in order to sell it?

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa I emailed you about trying to get rid of my paid off Bluegreen timeshare. All your help, advice and prayers are definitely wanted!

Pam May said...

Hi. I'd appreciate getting emailed about selling my paid off Bluegreen timeshare.

Anonymous said...

I'm another unhappy Bluegreen owner that wants out. I have not yet payed off the mortgage. Financial situation changed and cannot afford maintenance fees. 20,000 every-other-year points. mortbg@usinternet.com

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa! Another unhappy Bluegreen owner here, that wants out! Our mortgage is paid in full, just having a hard time justifying the yearly maintenance fees that equal pretty much what you would pay for a yearly family vacation. Hope you can helps us out!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa. My wife and I own a 12000 point package. Currently we also have 12000 saved points along with 7500 points set to expire on 5/31/15. We would like to sell them immediately so if you can offer any assistance we would be most appreciative. We can be contacted at stephenbrigman@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I hate Bluegreen. Bought the timeshare just to shut them up and allow me to leave the building and enjoy the rest of my honeymoon. At the time of purchase, I was told that reselling was not an issue through their program (Pinnacle) and that the value of my initial investment would actually increase over time. This of course is not the case. I was also told as a major selling point, that the points never expire. WRONG! I hoped that one day my 6,000 points on the odd years would eventually add up to a week or two in Hawaii or some other fancy place. This is the worst scam I have ever heard of, much less been roped into. It's paid for. I own it, but I don't have anything to sell, or anyone willing to buy it. Then I get on this website to hopefully find some advice, but now I have to contact someone else... Why is there no way out of this? I tried to get them to put it on my credit and "foreclose" but they never did. I went 6 months past my due date for the maintenance fees PRAYING that they would foreclose just so I could get away. My credit will heal faster than waiting this out and paying $500 a year. Has anyone been able to successfully rid their life of this parasite? I'll give it to anyone that wants it. Reply to this blog with your email if you want it. I get enough junk mail as it is.


Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...


I hesitated to post your comment for several days, but in the end, decided to do so.

First of all, you state that you "bought the timeshare just to shut them up and allow me to leave the building..." Seriously? What's wrong with getting up and leaving? Surely you understood the serious nature of a lifetime contract.

While I am not condoning any timeshare salesperson who lies or deliberately misleads any consumer, how is it that you didn't check to see what 6,000 points would actually get you?

Your comments about "getting on this website to hopefully find some advice, but now I have to contact someone else." is confusing. This is a blog. I do NOT sell timeshare as I'm not licensed to do do. Every situation is different. If you don't provide contact information, it's impossible for me to provide you with any information or options. Information and options which I provide by the way AT NO CHARGE.

What do you mean you have nothing to sell? If I understand you correctly, you own 6,000 points every other year, correct?

I understand your frustration and as you can see by this lengthy thread, you are not alone in your frustration with Bluegreen. However, timeshare ownership should not be entered into lightly. It comes with benefits and responsibilities.

Have you contacted Bluegreen to find out how to best use your points? Have you taken advantage of any of the information that RCI has for you and other owners? Have you looked into other exchange companies?

You may of course be able to sell it if that's what you want to do. No, you will not make a profit. No, you will not be able to sell it for what you paid for it. If you have something in writing stating that the value will go up, you may have a legitimate legal claim. My guess is that this was NOT something that you received in writing.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't mean it to. But you entered into a lifetime legal contract in order to shut someone up which is not advisable,

I'll be happy to send you some information if you provide me with contact information.

Steve Smith said...

I would appreciate your email concerning selling our BlueGreen timeshare. We've never really been able to use it as we just can't plan a vacation a year in advance. Any information on disposing of the points and getting out from under the maintenance fees would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

There is a yahoo group: BGEx
Where owners can list units for sale or rent.
Most Bluegreen contracts have $0 resale value and the current owners may have to pay the transfer cost and/or points.
There are more owners looking to sell then there are those looking to buy.
There are a few specific contracts tied to specific location/ unit size and week that have moderate value or at least will be snapped up much quicker than most BG points contracts.

These include summer weeks at Wilderness Club at BC especially in larger units, ocean front Shore Crest summer weeks, winter Aruba weeks, snowbird southern Florida weeks

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Thanks for the information.

So very sad that the resale value of most of them are so low.

Sheryl said...

Lisa, I don't know if my first typed post went into cyberspace or what. I found this blog while doing apparently what everyone else here was doing, . . ."looking for a way out". I never dreamed we signed up for something so manipulative. As a previous comment read, we put too much faith into their association with BassPro and didn't read the fine line. Our financial situation has made a drastic change and we can not afford the monthly premiums. We bought in Oct 2013 with a modest downpayment and a 10 yr note (16.99% interest). I'm still wondering where our heads were at :-( but it's all hindsight now. We just need OUT. We've never used it and don't believe we ever will. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

If you still owe on the timeshare, it will be nearly impossible to sell it as the resale value is significantly lower than what you owe. If you're looking to refinance, check out LightStream.

If you have no intention of ever using it, I suggest calling Bluegreen corporate and see what they can do for you.

I wish I was able to give you more positive news, but as you have sadly found out, these timeshare contracts are valid, the resale value of them is far below what people pay and resorts are reluctant to take them back. Doesn't sound as if the resorts themselves put much value in them, does it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
My step mother and I own a fully paid Bluegreen Timeshare and really want to sell it. Any help/advice you could send me would be greatly appreaciated.
Thank you. wendyw_2002@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Please email me at wawahue@icloud.com. Living in blue green hell. Disabled veteran husband lives on fixed income and can no longer afford increased maintenance fees. My parents died and left ,e a small amount of money and I threw it away on this nightmare, I'm sure they are turning over in their graves

Anonymous said...

We have a fully paid Bluegreen Timeshare at The Fountain - 6000 pts. We would very much like to sell it. Please email me at mbbealritchie@yahoo.com Thank you.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

To this last anonymous poster and everyone else who makes the fact that they have a timeshare for sale and their e-mail address known on a public blog that I assure you is being read by good and bad guys...I have the following message:


I have been trying to get the message across to you for years to not engage in any business with any entity that initiates contact, yet you persist in just setting yourself up to be scammed.

Why you would put this information out there is a mystery to me. If you are truly looking for assistance from an unbiased source that does NOT buy, sell, rent, list or transfer timeshare NOR made one single dollar from imparting this knowledge, continue to post comments, but send an e-mail.

I can't help people who aren't paying attention.

Anonymous said...

We purchased a timeshare and almost NOTHING they said was true. During the presentation, they said they were BBB accredited. I discovered that was false. I was told I could EASILY exchange my points for cash to pay the maintenance dues. That was an absolute LIE. During the closing process they books with vacation point cost in them. The point totals appeared to be low in the book they provided on the sales floor. It is a lot higher once you get your title and get online and try to book a vacation. I'm still paying this mortgage, but usually the collateral is worth the payment. It's comparable to buying a car and not making payments. They repo the car and your credit takes a hit. Something is very wrong with a company that sells something that's almost useless.
Eric Blue bluefam22@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I have the exact complaint as everyone else. We have no equity in anything. I draw disability and my husband was forced to retire early. We owe so many debts that I have to but my bluegreen mortgage at the bottom of the list. Our credit score will never be above 600 again. We have used all 401k and now are sinking into a deep hole. So my question is if it goes to foreclosure, what can they take? The 500 a month that doesn't go to creditors?

guest said...

This is the same type of behavior that gets people into lifelong contracts in order to appease pushy sales people. I can say this many ways but the only way I can say it without offending everyone is that some people have an aptitude or certain traits which allows them to be easy targets for scammers. Some of the scams are so obvious they might as well have a sign posted yet people still fall for it.

Unknown said...

We purchased BlueGreen in 2005. I call it the Hotel California, as you can check in anytime you want but never leave. I dont understand why we cant get enough people together to file a class action consumer law suit or find enough of us to do something. I understand I was stupid, and am willing to pay (lots) of money to be rid of it. I just want to be through with anything related to timeshares or a vacation club. From what I have found out BlueGreen is the bottom of the scum pond in an industry that makes the stereo type of the used cat salesman look like alter boys.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Eric, this is indeed sad. I;m sorry that it can't help you now, but this should be a lesson to everyone to do research ahead of time and verify everything said at the presentation.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

I am not an attorney, but I would say in this case, you need to contact one Foreclosure is not something to navigate on your own.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Sad. Just sad. There are reputable companies that will try to help sell the timeshare. I do not recommend paying upfront to do so.

blevlin said...

Our annual period ends on October 31, with maintenance fees due on November 1. We are taking our final BlueGreen trip in a few days. We have had a nice trip to St. Augustine and other trips to Gatlinburg, where the facilities were in real need of cleaning and upgrading. I always stretched our points by avoiding weekend stays. However, the crowning jewel of BlueGreen, Big Cedar, was never available. I note now that it is not available on the resort locator list. Fees have been increased and new fees added. We are DONE. We have no mortgage - only the annual membership fee and maintenance. We will not pay for the upcoming year. I have experienced all their ingenious methods of poking for more money that I care to. I am less concerned about a hit to my credit score, which is excellent, than I am about feeding the BG vultures. I think any realistic person who sees my only credit issue stems from unpaid timeshare maintenance fees will understand my pain.

Lindsay said...

Hello Lisa,

My husband and I own a fully paid for timeshare with Bluegreen. We would love nothing more than to get rid of it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. You can reach me at: Shoppingqueen_03@yahoo.com.

Thank you!


Mike Parry said...

Lisa...my wife and I purchased 4000 BlueGreen points and it is fully paid for. We just don't use it as often as we thought we would and would like to know our options. Thanks for this blog and for your help.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Mike, please e-mail me your e-mail address to lisa@timeshareinsights.com

Anonymous said...

Same story as many of the people above. BlueGreen make it almost impossible to get reservations to places you would actually like to go. My wife and I are just not using our time share enough and are fed up with the maintenance fees, pressure to purchase points each and every time we are at a resort.
Any assistance or pointers you could lend in getting out of this thing would be appreciated. Again, as many others, I would be happy to give this thing away.
Thank you! rootcs2k@yahoo.com

GooWee said...

The only thing I can suggest is a “class action” lawsuit.

llee@comcast.net said...

Hi Lisa! I too own a fully paid for Bluegreen timeshare since 2002 (works out to 35,000 points/year awarded on June 1st). My maintenance fees/taxes are approx $2300/year. I've had no luck trying to get out of it. Any advice would be appreciated. I can't seem to ever book where I want and when I want and have lost points over the years because I couldn't vacation. They do allow you to pay a fee to convert some to RCI, but that's even MORE difficult to use, and it has to be in week blocks. Please help!

Anonymous said...

No matter where you look, you will always find people who don't like something. Let's face it, I'm sure a huge majority of you like hot dogs, yet I personally hate them, but I don't hate the guy who sold me the hot dog. The fact of the matter is that while some people dislike bluegreen, hundreds of others including my wife and I have never been hapoier. We've owned for 10 years, taken vacations every year, never had a problem with availability and have no interest in selling it because we love it. As a matter of fact, we are part of a Facebook page that has hundreds of owners that simply help each other and talk about their trips. It seems to me Lisa that if you could actually use your ownership you wouldn't want to sell, so let me ask you this. Does bluegreen make your husband work 90 hours a week? Or you 40 hours a week? Is it bluegreen's fault that you wait until just a few months before a peak season to go to big cedar? I don't mean to be rude, but the only thing keeping you from using your points is you. Me and my wife get what we want every single year, including big cedar. As a matter of fact, I'm looking right now and big cedar is available in July, when your kids will be out of school. I am very happy with bluegreen and can't wait to pass it down to my kids so that they can experience what me and my wife have. Our maintenance fees are around $1500 but we only paid $160 last year and $200 the year before because we have educated ourselves. Bluegreen has ways to not pay your fees. I hope this has shed some light, I'm sorry I can't help you sell it but I believe if you actually use it, you will change your mind completely.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

GREAT to hear from you and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your timeshare.

To be clear, I'm not the one encountering any issues...all the comments as well as the original post are from readers.

But you hit the nail on the head when you say that education is key.

I wish you continued enjoyment from your timeshare.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, thank you so much for collecting this information. I, too, have a full-paid for timeshare with Bluegreen and would love to get rid of it. I'm willing to basically give it away at this point. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. MLSellers1973@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear that someone is enjoying their timeshare. I think we should consider life circumstances and how they change over a period of time. While the timeshare may have been great when purchased, life changes may render it worthless at another point in life, which is what I think many people are encountering.

If you could share any information about how to minimize the fees, I'm sure that would be helpful for many.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Great question. IMO, the only way to minimize timeshare fees is to ask pertinent questions before buying. Sadly, few do this. Once you sign on the dotted line, much of what happens is out of your control.

I'd like to hear from owners on this topic.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

I'll be happy to send you something.

So sorry that you want to get rid of your timeshare as well.

Unknown said...

Hello Lisa, like everybody else I want to sell my Bluegreen points. It is fully paid for charter membership with 5,000 annual points. I'm considering Pinnacle but have read many reviews from people saying they've been trying that avenue for several years. Is this because they're asking too much? It seems that anything less than Bluegreen's $3 a point sales price would be a good offer. I'm not trying make to make a big chunk of change off this sale but wouldn't mind getting something out of it. So why are these points so hard to sell? Should I just save myself the time and hassle of trying to sell them and just give them away?

Unknown said...

Lisa, just like everyone else, I have a Bluegreen problem. I have a small package i can no longer afford to pay on. Nor can i remotely afford the maintenance fees. I am desperately looking for a way out and do not want to file bankruptcy as we are just keeping our head above water with a decent credit score. My email is: anthonycramer@gmail.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

John: SUPER question...why indeed is your timeshare so hard to sell. I, and thousands of Bluegreen owners have their thoughts on this.

I'd like to hear from anyone at Bluegeeen about this. Wouldn't you?

In the meantime, drop me a line at lisa@timeshareinsights.com and I'll send you some pointers.

Liddy said...

I,too, would like info on how to sell my Bluegreen timeshare. Please email me at alleecoyle@gmail.com

Don said...

My wife and I have a deeded week at one of Bluegreens resorts and like everyone else are tired of paying the maintenance fees. How can we get out of this? Thanks Dfnice@hotmail.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

To Don and everyone else saying they want out of their timeshare...please read this:

I am happy to provide you with information and suggestions. However, by providing your e-mail in a public comment, you are opening yourself up to scammera and fraudulent operators who will read the blog and then contact you.

Rule #1 is for consumers to NEVER engage anyone who contacts you first. However, 95% of timeshare owners fail to follow this one simple rule and then get scammed.

This blog is intended to share information and be a resource. Please exercise some common sense and don't provide your contact information.

Don, I'll e-mail you.

Unknown said...


I'm another individual looking to help a family member. They have a paid to date timeshare and just want to get rid of it and never see another salesman again. After reading this I can see why. I have the means to bring my lawyer into this if I need to, however I was wondering if you could offer another option? Im posting here so you know who is emailing you.

Tony said...

Nice read Lisa Ann doing a great job trying to help some of us with similar problems.

JeffA said...

hello, we own bluegreen Christmas mountain and want out. it's paid for and would almost be willing to donate it. any advice?
Jeff from WI.

JeffA said...

we own bluegreen Christmas mountain that is paid for and want out as the fee's are too much. we are almost willing to donate. any advice?

Unknown said...

We are still paying on timeshare but I am very sick with disease no cure need to get rid of bluegreen timeshare can you help? pshr65@gmail.com

Unknown said...

We have bluegreen timeshare need to get rid asap due to health problems can you help pshr65@gmail.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Pam: I have asked people to MOT post their contact information on the blog as I know for a fact that scammers are using this to troll for leads. I have emailed you some information but you need to be more careful.

Unknown said...

we are trying to get out from blue green, property is pad for. Any help
We had a meeting with RCI about changing to them which was interesting to say the least. you pay to get out of Bluegreen and then in three years you can get out of RCI no problems if want.please help!! I can send you my e-mail but didn't want to make it public.

chris said...

ijust want to get out. my bluegreen has been paid off for nearly 15 years and I have never been able to use. I will give it free to anyone who will take it!! I will pay transfer fees to to sign over, email me for thst solution cree50@wowway.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Yes, , e-mail me

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Guys...again, PLEASE stop including your e-mail on a public forum. YOU WILL GET SOLICITATIONS FROM SCAMMERS.

Unknown said...

well I too have signed the contract, but not made the first payment. I have changed my mind but it is to late to turn back in. what can they do, ruin my credit!! hcamaker@yahoo.com

dalopez13 said...

Hello Lisa,

I am also in need to get out of our bluegreen timeshare. We are still making payments but unfortunately our financial situation has been hurting too much to the point that we are having difficulty making the monthly payments on the loans (yes I got lured to buy more points by promising me that I was only adding to the original account and it turned out that I have two different loans on my account) What can I do legally to get out of this stressing problem? Please help... my email is danlopezzamora@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I also would like to sell my/our timeshare with Bluegreen. There is no information as to how to do it that I have found. I am ready and willing to go to the place that we bought it and boycott the place. Tell everyone that drives up that bluegreen is a scam. Maybe a few hundred of us need to show up and storm the place

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Yes, they can ruin your credit. You signed a legal document requiring you to pay. You had a rescission period in which to change your mind.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

What in your mind constitutes a scam?

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Yet AGAIN I am telling readers to NOT publish their e-mail addresses on this or any other blog as you WILL be hit up by scammers. I honestly do not know how often I need to make this comment.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, like so many on here I have 2 fully paid bluegreen timeshares, I currently have 28,000 points banked and would love to find a way out of this. My email is mjf0509@gmail.com Thanks, Mark

Anonymous said...

Sorry about publishing the email address on the last post, I didn't know if would show up on your end.

Anonymous said...

I am an experienced timeshare owner that is in the market for a Bluegreen ownership at Big Cedar for my family to use. I am aware of all of the problems listed as we have owned with Wyndham for over 20 years. I would be willing to help someone get out of their contract. Would like around 20,000 points. Would be willing to pay the transfer fees.

Mark Fuller said...

I have 28,000 banked Bluegreen points and get 9k annually and 10k biannually I'd be happy to part with id help pay the transfer fees. Mark

Unknown said...

We own with bluegreen and want to sell. Please contact sgarwood_rn@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

We want to sell our Bluegreen timeshare. Please email sgarwood_rn@yahoo.com

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

AGAIN...Why are people NOT paying attention? I have REPEATEDLY told readers to NOT post their e-mail addresses on this blog as I can pretty much guarantee that they will be contacted by a scammer who will promise a buyer and ask for money.

I do not know how many times I must repeat myself...this blog is intended to assist timeshare owners and prospective timeshare owners (and every now and then impart some insights to the timeshare community if they choose to listen.)

I can only assist those that are willing to pay attention.

Shannon, I will e-mail you.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone thought about a class action lawsuit to get rid of this albatross around their neck? Surely Lisa Ann has thousands of people she could contact to join!

Anonymous said...

I would be interested if your home resort is at Big Cedar. Please reply here and we will have a figure a way to get together

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Yet again, I have to say that I am not an attorney. I can't bring a Class Action lawsuit and I'm not in a position to round up people to participate in such an action.

Additionally, and I know many of you will take offense by this...consumers not doing ANY due diligence before purchasing or during the legal rescission period does not make for a lawsuit.

Go back and read some of the comments...and the nearly 450 e-mails I have personally answered...so many consumers bought without research, bought without clearly thinking through the finances of timeshare ownership and are now crying "foul."

Let me remind you that while clearly deceptive sales practices have been and may continue to be the basis for a lawsuit (and are clearly morally disgusting to me), people who sign up for a lifetime purchase of several thousand dollars without clearly thinking things through bother me as well.

In this day and age of blogs, forums and Google, I just do not understand how thousands of people willingly shell out thousands of dollars for something that they just do not understand based on a salesperson's cheery nature for two hours.

Don't get me wrong...there are consumers out there that have done their homework, fall onto hard times and/or have clearly been duped.

Anonymous said...

I have tried to book a vacation with my points in 3 resorts and there is no vacancy yet if i want to pay there are vacancies. I have two timeshares with Bluegreen yet wasnt able to go on vacation this year. Im sick and tired of their run around. How can i unload these. Thanks

Unknown said...


I am in the same boat as everyone else, any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. carlos_jackson26@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

My (Elderly) parents bought a Bluegreen Time Share in Orlando back in the late eighties. It has been PIF for many years. Both my parent's are cripple and can no longer travel, nor can they afford the maintenance fees anymore. They want to simply give or donate it away and get out of the burden of maintenance fees. Any advice?

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Please e-mail me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
How can I get out of a bluegreen timeshare, please could you give me some advice. How can I get information, please let me know how to get intouch with you

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa
I just purchased a Bluegreen timeshare package while on vacation in Gatlynsburg Tennessee. We went for the sales pitch prepared to say no but the pitch sounded just good enough but not so good that we thought it might be true. I hadn't done my research because my wife and I weren't planning on going to the sales pitch. We were there with a couple that had got a free vacation to listen to the pitch and we were offered a free gift card and a week vacation at the last minute to go through it also so I was unprepared. It has been five days since we bought our share and I just got back home and started doing research and I have read a lot of horror stories about Bluegreen and I am very concerned that I was taken. I asked them during the pitch and was told that if in the future if I wanted out that they had staff that would sell it for us and they were commissioned based so they would definately work hard to resale it and it would not be a problem. Since I've been home and doing my research that doesn't seem to be the case. My questions are as follows.
What do you personally think of the Company? Without using it or trying to book from them which I can't do yet since I'm not in the system I don't know how available the vacations are.
Also what are the possible ways to get rid of it and no longer have the maintenance fees if I do keep it and want out. Selling it doesn't look like an easy task.
And lastly I bought this while in Tennessee but my "deed" actually says the property is in South Carolina. Tennessee laws appear to be Ten days to rescind but South Carolina laws say five. Do I have the ten days since it was bought in Tennessee. They say five but I don't know. Any help appreciated. I have already sent you an email.

Unknown said...

I think we (all of Bluegreen victims) should take it to Washington DC to see if we can get some relief or maybe even answers to why this is not being addressed when so many are being taken advantage of, being made ill, and even dying trying to get out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to all those mad as you know what. I'm going to contact a friend who is a lawyer with the Bureau of Consumer Affairs within the FTC to see if I can use the federal laws that are designed to protect consumers. I'm going to use this thread as the proof of fraud in their practices. Thanks for this blog. God is good and there is right and wrong that can be clearly seen by people who would judge such things. Robert in NC.
We recently went on one of those quote 'free weekends' as they had called and called to get us to 'review' our package after I had complained often. During this visit one of the sales team revealed to us why we were having such trouble obtaining any reservations. We have a simple introductory package of 7000 points that we accrue every two years. Well the deal is this, once you receive your points you are limited from the get go as to what's 'quote' in the inventory that 'your' points are able to obtain. It's not that there is no available room or space, but the inventory for your points are restricted to the point you will most likely never be able to use them. Now of course you can try to plan like a year in advance and maybe you'll get something. That is not what they said in the sales process.
How many would be interested in joining a class action suit if I can get the FTC involved? Deception in business has already been declared illegal. Now it is by the weight of the evidence that this can shown. I'm not beyond bring suit against Bass Pro as well seeing as they have set their customers up to be robbed by this group. If enough people respond positively I'll create a private email and post it for interested parties.

Anonymous said...

try to get out of this now. We've been stuck for 9 or 10 years now. You have a window to get out take it.

Anonymous said...

We purchased a Bluegreen timeshare last year and have not had any luck with booking a vacation when is BEST FOR US to go. We didn't have any intentions in buying but the sales pitch was so good...very deceiving!!! Please help me get out!!! Lisa thank you for this blog! I sent you an email also. Frustrated in NC

Unknown said...

I came across your blog while helping my girlfriend and her father, who are trying to get rid of their interest in a Bluegreen timeshare. I'm not very familiar with this company, but I did contact the company and have had no good advice on how to proceed. I don't know if you're still active in advising people on how to get rid of a Bluegreen timeshare, but if you are, I'd certainly appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!

David Bauman

Unknown said...

I came across your blog while helping my girlfriend and her father, who are trying to get rid of their interest in a Bluegreen timeshare. I'm not very familiar with this company, but I did contact the company and have had no good advice on how to proceed. I don't know if you're still active in advising people on how to get rid of a Bluegreen timeshare, but if you are, I'd certainly appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!

David Bauman

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

David, please e-mail me.

Unknown said...

Lisa - thank you for your reply. I just sent you an email.

Anonymous said...

Same here, me and my wife done the exact stupid thing. Ours is paid off, but the maintenance fee has kept going up every year from $900.00 to well over a thousand + this year and we haven't used it. any info how to get out of the whole thing would be nice. randy.baysinger@yahoo.com thanks

Anonymous said...

Chris, as we found out when purchasing more points they cannot or won't combine them. Even though we were told they would be.

Unknown said...

Lisa i reallly would like your help please email me at kaaniygu@gmail.com

ColorRita said...

Chris, we bought additional points and they were from separate people, but the maintenance fee has been combined. We have Platinum and have actually really enjoyed Bluegreen resorts, but no longer live close enough to drive. Getting older so don't want to fly. Email me for more info: ritabing65@gmail.com

ColorRita said...

Have Big Cedar, and own 60,000 points, but that can be broken up into smaller lots. I think the smallest is 25,000

ColorRita said...

They won't combine a deed, but do combine maintenance fees, so it's a simple pay. We have BG at Big Cedar, but can use anywhere. 60,000 points annually. Moved out of the area, and are too old to want to fly to the places we want to visit. Would like to sell.

Unknown said...

Lisa I would love any and all advice about how to get rid of our Bluegreen Vacation Timeshare...which we have never once used :/ Please email me at tifftiffnc@gmail.com. I truly appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, really need help to get out of bluegreen, please e mail me with advice thanks very much pcoleman@beaverloc.com

Unknown said...

We are looking to get rid of our Bluegreen timeshare. Can you please point us in the right direction. shann0120@gmail.com

Anonymous said...


I came across this blog while I am trying to get rid of bluegreen timeshare (points) which my wife and I paid for in full few years ago.

Please help us


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, my husband & I were wondering if you had any advice or if you know of anyone whom was able to get out from under bluegreen? We are a military family & let that be known the day we purchased. We feel taken advantage of & any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance....camw143@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa! Our economic situation has changed and we really need to get get out from under this. Can you please email me suggestions? Thank you very much! Carla. Wysefamily.cw@gmail.com

Carla said...

Hi Lisa! Our economic situation has changed and we really need to get from under this. Can you send any suggestions or direction! Thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

OMG - Are you for real Lisa and have helped people get out of this nightmare? We are one of the hundreds of people on this blog that was stupid, young, naive, and in a better financial situation than we are today. The buying of these Blugreen points should have been such a great experience for the rest of our lives and instead has been a constant worry, fights, tears, etc. in our lives that we are so in need of getting out from underneath this financial and stressful situation. We would really appreciate any help you can give us. Please, please, please contact us lindabrooks56@gmail.com

Unknown said...

OMG- I pray you are for real and can help us get out of this nightmare! We are just like the hundreds of other people on this blog that was young, stupid, naive and was in better financial circumstances when we signed that contract. This contract was going to make our lives change and have better vacations for the rest of our lives. But this contract has been a consent worry, tears, fights (I could go on & on) every day of our lives. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me if you can point us in the right direction to get out of this nightmare lindabrooks56@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa, I would be interested in tips of how to get out of Blue Green. My email address is ncvck78@yahoo.com. Thank You, Nicole

Marcia said...

We have a Bluegreen timeshare paid in full. We would like any advice you could give us as to giving it away. What is the best way to contact you?

Marcia said...

We have a Bluegreen Timeshare with 12000 points paid in full. We would give it away if possible. Can you help us with any advice? What is the best way to contact you? Thanks in advance for your help.

Unknown said...


I have a paid for BlueGreen timeshare, would you please email me on how I can get rid of this trash? cmaxson77@hotmail.com

Thank you for your assistance!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...


Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...


Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Chris: As I have stated at least a dozen times on this blog, I do not recommend posting your e-mail address on a public blog. This is a very well read blog by both the good guys and the bad guys. You are bound to start getting unsolicited calls and e-mails.

It is incredibly frustrating to me to have people post their information, ask me for assistance,get scammed by someone and then write in again.

Nevertheless, I will e-mail you some pointers.

Mrs. J.P. Williams said...

My husband and I are trying to get out of our Bluegreen commitment as well. Any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I have 16,000 points I'd like to sell and Big Cedar is my home resort. Don't want to leave email. Any suggestions?

Martinmomof5@yahoo.com said...

I would be willing to go to Washington dc

amac said...

We just purchased 8,000 points every other year in South Carolina a few weeks ago. We were never told there was a 5 day rescind period I would have done it then. We were scammed. I have just got access to the online system and have found out that we can't book anything. Nothing is available at all and the points value is a lot higher online than it was in the book they showed us. I will be emailing you to see about selling this.

Unknown said...

Anonymous...can you help me to reduce my maintenance fees???

Unknown said...

Anonymous...can you help me to reduce my maintenance fees???

Unknown said...

Hello Lisa, I also have a fully paid Bluegreen Timshare and would love to get some pointers. I have sent a email to you. Thank You. Jason

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
I emailed you personally and wanted to thank you for your quick response. My husband and I are in the process of following through with your suggestions. We were wondering if anyone had success in getting rid of their Bluegreen timeshare?
We want to Thank You for taking the time to share your knowledge and allowing people to communicate their stories on your blog.
God Bless You!

Unknown said...

My boyfriend lost his job and we are in the same boat. Please email me. foxyfilly@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am right there with everyone else! 20000 points (Silver Owner -means nothing), paid off. My annual dues are more than most vacations I can take with my family where I want to go, when I want to go. I have had mine since 2001 and it worked ok for a while. Times have changed and it is just not cost effective anymore. I sent you an email Lisa, hope you can help me figure out how to get out of this. I don't even want anything back!

Anonymous said...

We also need your help to sell our Bluegreen timeshare. Please provide any info that might be helpfull. manuremanor@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

We also need your help selling our bluegreen timeshare. Any info would be helpfull. thank you, manuremanor@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I are trying to get out of our Bluegreen timeshare that we purchased a few years ago. Unfortunately, we didn't research our purchase as well as we should have, and now we are stuck. Please e-mail me at allison@yahoo.com with any advice. Thank you.

Mee Mee White said...

Hello Lisa, I would appreciate your email concerning selling our BlueGreen timeshare. We've never really been able to use it as we just can't plan a vacation a year in advance. Any information on disposing of the points and getting out from under the maintenance fees would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are looking to purchase. Will pay $500 for deed and assume maintenance fees. Email rspearnsc@aol.com want at least 18000 point deed.

Unknown said...

Do you still have this available?
Been looking...thanks

Anonymous said...

Lisa, please help me to get rid of this BG timeshare. We never get to use it. It's completely paid for, but I just cannot handle the maintenance fees any longer. I'm struggling to cover my child's college expenses.

Sheryl said...

I realize we are STUCK with our BG contract especially since it's not paid in full. Bought 15,000 annual pts in 2013 @ 17% interest. We must have been on drugs! -- 10 yr pay-off. Can anyone recommend a reputable company to refinance at a lower interest rate? I don't want to depend on advertisements and get suckered in again. Thanks.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

YES. Check out LightStream.com

Sheryl said...

THANKS! I will :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I emailed you today to inquire about unloading our Blue Green time share.

Thank you in advance for the information.


Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Today in the timeshare blog I’m going to reach out and ask you to do something.

As some of you know, I’ve been splitting my time over the past 3 plus years between my duties here at Timeshare Insights and my role as the Director of Member Services for the National Timeshare Owners Association.

The NTOA has been around for nearly 20 years and continues to operate under its three basic tenants:

· Educating timeshare owners and prospective timeshare owners
· Advocating on behalf of timeshare owners
· Encouraging responsible timeshare ownership and management

I worked hand in hand with the other Executive Team members on crafting both the Timeshare Owners Bill of Rights http://www.ntoassoc.com/about-us/bill-of-rights/ and the Best Practices for resorts http://www.ntoassoc.com/about-us/best-practices/

I’ve also worked extraordinarily hard on crafting an ongoing selection of Member Benefits that center around timeshare and travel in addition to being part of the team to construct educational videos, newsletters and ASK-NTOA resolution center.

I’ve been around the timeshare world for 16 years now and there are a few things that are crystal clear:

· Purchasing and owning timeshare is NOT easy
· The number of scams targeting consumers continues to rise
· There are an increasing number of fake “advocacy” groups out there just waiting to pounce on you
· No one purchased a timeshare in hopes of having to join an owner’s association to find education, support, attending meetings and/or pay more money to get answers and help.

So, you guessed it…I’m asking you to pay money and join the NTOA.

For those of you who are still reading…thank you.

NTOA has more power and influence that I will ever have and that’s why I’m working with them.

Timeshare Insights is NOT going away. As an independent, I can voice an opinion that is purely mine and may be the same as some of yours. NTOA represents our opinion as a collective community.

But NTOA, you and I have the opportunity to create real change. Change that if not made, could prove to be catastrophic for a lot of people…including you the timeshare owner.

That’s why I’m urging you to join us in our mission. You’ll save $10 off your membership by using discount code TI545 when you join using this link www.ntoassoc.com/timeshareinsights

Everything I and Timeshare Insights has achieved to date is because of you. Thank you. Continue to write me, continue to guest blog, continue to interact with me on Facebook, on Twitter. But we need to facilitate change. Let’s go.

Anonymous said...

Chris Paden,
My husband and I have 6,000 annual points available for sale. Maintenance fees are due in September and are current, we also have the option to save out points for $35 paid at the time of maintenance fees.
If you are still interested in acquiring more points please email me at
Thank you

Unknown said...

Please help! It's past time to be rid of BlueGreen. We feel as though it is consuming our lives. Please advise how best to do this. My family thanks you in advance.

Unknown said...

Looking to sell also. Only because maintenance fees are outrageous! Thank you, my email is Jena_link@yahoo.com

rebecca Bowker said...

I too have a bluegreen timeshare that I cannot seem to unload.I cannot believe that this is possible in today's world. It is a fraudulent company and they need to be held accountable. they lied to us and said we can get out at anytime. As well all know, that is completely untrue.

Corey Reed said...

Lisa - I must admit that it floors me to be reading all these other BG time share owner's blogs. My wife & I are in the same nightmare these other people are. Unfortunately, we made this terrible mistake twice when we finally did use some points & take a short vacation at their place in the Dells. We "had to" go see one of their reps in Christmas Village to be schooled a little more on the program. We were victims of a well thought scam in being told we got our points extremely cheap by mistake & were put in at a higher level than we were supposed to be at. With this "mistake" we had the privilege of taking advantage of their mistake & buying more points at half their value. Sucked in by a very believable rep, we walked out of there with 25,000 points & much more debt. It has been two years since & we have not been able to use them, due to my wife falling ill to cancer. The medical bills had stacked up, along with the BG maintenance fees. It sucks only using the program once in 4 years, while paying thousands into them. We need out like all these other nice people. Any help would be appreciated. creed@werner.com

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Hello I actually spent 22K this year on a blue green 15000 point package. love the idea but just work so much don't have time to use it. I got the points from this year I will roll over to next and am looking basically to figure out what to do with it. I will pretty much give it to a charity if that even made sense. I can afford it but its such a waste i never will use it. I bought it because it came with this yacht club thing but my fiance since has bought a boat and I just won't ever use that either. Please contact me if you have any clue what to do with it. I was just listing it on sellmytimeshare.com but is that a scam too?

Unknown said...

Lisa I am in the same boat as everyone else I got drawn into to blue green contracts and after the fees and monthly payments its like throwing away money into an hole. How can I get out of Blue green without foreclosure as a last resort.

Unknown said...

Hello Lisa I am in the same boat as everyone blogging. I want to cancel my blue green contract as well due to lies, fees and reoccurring monthly payments. How can I cancel my contract without going into foreclosure, which would be my last resort, I have excellent credit which I work hard to achieve. Thanks Mack, Also a disabled vet.

Lisa Ann Schreier, The Timeshare Crusader said...

Shoot me an e-mail

MommaMia423 said...


I'm in the same boat. Dave Ramsey recommends using a company called TimeshareExitTeam.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, me and my wife are in the same boat with others. 1000 maintenance fee annually. Please help. Khongbaominh.bk714@yahoo.com. thank you

Anonymous said...

I also have the same problems. We purchased based on our salesman's ability to DECIEVE. We were definitely deceived into the purchase, but BlueGreen takes no responsibility. Any advice would be appreciated. clteach96@aol.com

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