Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Be Consistent and Be Transparent

This is an excerpt of a short training piece I just filmed for the Kissimmee Chamber of Commerce.

Be consistent in all of your communications. If you have a company slogan, be sure that it is used in written or e-mail communications. If you have a website, and I certainly hope that in 2010 you do, your written communications should always include the site. The same holds true for business cards...slogans, logos and website should all be there along with personal contact information.

While on the subject of e-mail, be certain that every single employee has a standard, consistent signature block and that no outside links are included.

Being transparent means that you hide nothing. If your pool is going to be closed for a week for repairs, you want to let everyone know before they check in. If there is construction at the restuarant, tell people.

Many times, timeshare properties don't fully disclose that the guest is required to attend and complete a timeshare sales presentation. If this sales presentation is going to be 90 minutes to 2 hours, don't refer to it as a "45 minute meeting so that we can get your input."

The Internet has made information junkies out of everyone. You can hide your head in the sand, but the truth is that your property, your resort, your timeshare, your hotel is now in competition with everyone. You are all competing for consumers' hard earned dollars. If your competitors are consistent and transparent and you aren't, who do you think consumers will flock to?

Be consistant, be transparent and the market will reward you for it.

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