Sunday, September 12, 2010

News About The New Book and This Blog

After weeks of considerinpthaions including speaking with timeshare organizations who wanted to be included in it and looking at the various publishing options and realizing that in all likeihood, the book would be out of date by the time it was published, I've decided to write an e-book which will be available as a .pdf download later on this year.

I have the title and the chapters already and I will still be looking for input.

On the subject of this blog, after talking with people far more knowledgable than me and asking consumers everywhere, I've decided to allow Google AdWords to appear on the blog.

Please understand that this does NOT mean that we've stopped being independent, outspoken and honest. It DOES mean that I put more thought into the "no ad" stance than anyone else and that no one really cares.

Keep reading and keep writing!

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