Monday, October 25, 2010

Lying Salesreps?

There's a story going around about a former Wyndham timeshare salesperson who is claiming to "uncover" the "fact" that Wyndham management encourages their sales staff to lie to consumers.

I should say that I've only done a 2 week stint at Wyndham here in Orlando many, many years ago. Why only 2 weeks? I didn't like the atmosphere and felt uncomfortable around some of the people there. In my time there, as well as my years of bouncing around timeshare resort in the Orlando area, I've never encountered management who encouraged me to lie.

Encouraging people to lie of course is different from turning blind eyes and ears to the lies, which is what my experience has been from the sales side. You can read my entire article on the issue of lying or not salespersons in the November/December issue of TimeSharing Today.

Later this week, I'll talk about the other lies that happen on sales presentations...those that come from consumers.

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