Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And Now A Word About Timeshare Consumers

I'll admit it, I carry on about the need for positive change within the timeshare industry. And I'm quite vocal and direct about it. Things need to change and need to change quickly if the industry is to ever get to the level of acceptance that I believe it is capable of.

But there is enough nonsense and shenanigans going on everywhere...today I'd like to point the finger at the consumer. More specifically to timeshare tour junkies and consumers who just like to bitch and complain.

As an unbiased, independent, non-sales oriented consultant, I get e-mails daily from frustrated consumers. Some have legitimate concerns. I'm focused today on the ones that don't have legitimate concerns, don't learn from their mistakes and are crying "foul" when they share the blame.

I have no sympathy for instance for consumers who come crying to me saying that they "bought" two theme park tickets in Orlando for $25 and didn't know it involved a 3-hour high pressure timeshare presentation.

For those of you who don't know, I was a timeshare salesperson for more than 4 years and I came across my fair share of these "crybabies" who cried foul and wanted out before the required 90 minutes. They know full-well what's going on and most of them schedule 2 pitches per day in order to supplement their meager financial allottment for vacation.

I also find it hard to sympathize with the consumers who fall for the "timeshare transfer" schemes, who I gracefully give my time and thoughts at no cost to, but when I suggest that they take a look at my services (MODULE 3 to be specific) or join the National Timeshare Owners Association or subscribe to TimeSharing Today or any number of organizations that I point them to, don't do anything.

More often than not, I hear from these same people again, now telling me that they were taken for another $2,500 yet STILL don't take my advise.

As I said, there is enough nonsense going on on both sides. I sense changes are coming. And all the guilty parties had better watch out. Stay tuned.

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