Thursday, November 4, 2010


When I wrote and conducted the first "Timeshare 101 Training for Non-Sales Employees" at an Orlando area timeshare earlier this year, I stressed the importance of communication to and on all levels.

Sure, it's nice to have a quarterly newsletter going out to all your owners with the resort updates and new information. And it is equally nice to have a monthly newsletter for your employees. But do the two "mesh?"

Communications at and about the resort should be integrated so that the message, or messages are conveyed in an appropriate way to the outside world as well as the internal world.

For example, if the resort is having an increase in the annual fees, this is news that needs to be communicated to everyone. Obviously you don't want to issue a Press Release focusing on the exact numbers, but you should not shy away from a Press Release focusing on the improvements that will be made using the funds. Your employees need to know about the increase so that they feel comfortable discussing it with owners. And don't forget the other employees such as housekeeping, engineering, room service, etc. They need to know about the increase as well although in a bit of a watered down version.

Today, people both inside and outside of your resort are already talking about you. Your only choice is to join in to make sure that your message is getting across or sit back and let everyone else determine your future course.

Communication has never been more important.

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