Thursday, December 9, 2010

General Update

Just thought I'd keep everyone up to date. In addition to working on the new e-book which will be available first quarter of 2011, I've sent out the first round of e-mails asking influential/important people in timeshare to participate in my "5 and Almost 10 With..." mini-interview series. If there is anyone who you'd like to know more about, let me know and I'll send them the link.

We're also kicking around the idea/need for a timeshare covention aimed at selling involved. If you'd like to be included, we need as much input and assistance as possible.

Finally today, I filmed this piece several months ago when I was freelancing as Director of Communications. It piggy-backs nicely on the piece that I wrote for The Resort Trades some time ago on the need for consistency and transparency in the timeshare industry.

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