Friday, January 21, 2011

And The Featured Speakers Are...

Here is the list of the featured speakers at the Orlando chapter meeting of the National Timeshare Owners Association meeting being held on Sunday, January 30th:

Ed Hastry-Founder and President of The National Timeshare Owners Association
Karen Donohue-Trading Places Exchange
Judi Kozlowski-President of the Licensed Timeshare Resale Brokers Association
Fermin Cruz-VP North American Operations for Dial An Exchange
Woody Cary-TriCom Management Company
Peter Emry-Cash Out A Timeshare
Sarah Goodwin-Platinum Interchange

And oh yes, Lisa Ann Schreier, Founder and Director of Timeshare Insights...but you knew that already didn't you?

From now until January 30th, the NTOA is offering a 10% discount on their annual memberships and memberships are required to attend this or any meeting.

Hope to see you all there.

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