Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DVC to Change Benefits for Resale Purchasers

If you're thinking of buying a membership into DVC (Disney Vacation Club), best to complete the paperwork prior to March 20th.

After that, consumers who purchase on the resale market will NOT get all the benefits that other DVC members get. They'll be cut out of using points on Disney Cruises, Adventures by Disney and at a host of Disney owned hotels.

They'll still be able to trade into the 11 DVC resorts, which an overwhelming majority of them do, as well as use RCI, the World Passport Collection and the Buena Vista Trading Company.

I'm curious to see which timeshare company will be next in limiting resale purchasers' rights. WAY back in 2001, I believe there were some restrictions placed on resale RCI Points, but those have fallen by the wayside.

We still have yet to address the issue of "new" vs. "used" and put some common sense rules in place along with some measures to narrow the gap between the primary and the secondary market.


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