Monday, February 28, 2011

Navigating Change Indeed

I am both excited and honored to be covering GNEX 2011 being presented by Perspective Magazine later this year.

The title of the conference is Navigating Change and a quick look at the educational sessions planned are indeed a breath of fresh air. "Identifying and Resolving Product Weaknesses", "Tackling Consumer and Media Perception" are two of the sessions that I am most looking forward to covering. NOT because I am a naysayer, but because I'm excited that perhaps, for once, the truth will be addressed. The truth is that the media and the average, non-timeshare owning consumer do NOT think highly of the word "timeshare."

In addition to the educational sessions and the networking time, GNEX will be honoring the best of the best in the timeshare and fractional industries. Sure, you can nominate yourself as "Best Project Team-Marketing", but then you'll be voted on by Perspective's social mediasphere (there, I just made up a word) in order to move on to the final round. I applaud that. It is, at least in the early stages, quite transparant, and as regular readers know, I think that more transparancy in this industry is needed.

I'll be writing much more about GNEX in the weeks and months to come, culminating with a wrap-up article in the July/August issue of TimeSharing Today.

In the meantime, if you'd like to find out more about GNEX 2011, feel free to visit their website at

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