Sunday, March 6, 2011

If You Follow Us On Facebook

If you follow Timeshare Insights on Facebook, you'll notice a change on our home page.

Facebook now allows companies such as Timeshare Insights to interact in much the same way an individual does.

What this means is that you will see posts by some other timeshare related companies and organizations on Timeshare Insight's wall.

This does NOT mean that we are losing our independent stance. This DOES mean that we think that there's a lot of good information out there and not all of it comes from Timeshare Insights. While we might not agree with everything that different entities say and do, we do believe in sharing information and allowing a free discussion.

We will of course, not allow postings on our Facebook wall from any company or organization that we feel does not deserve "wall" space...those transfer companies for instance.

We welcome your insight. As we said, our motto for this year is "Educate Yourself, Open Your Mind, Get Involved." The new Facebook changes will allow us to do just that.


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