Monday, June 13, 2011

A Few Words On Powerpoint Presentations...From Lisa and Guy

Having attended not one, not two, but three (!) timeshare conferences in the past two months, I feel that I am well qualified to pass on Guy Kawasaki's PowerPoint Presentation tips:

1)  Use 10 Slides or Less
2)  Keep it to 20 Minutes or Less
3)  Use 30 Point Font

There was some really great information at each of these conferences, presented by people with years more experience in the industry than me.  But the vast majority of these people had NO idea how to use much the same way most timeshare companies don't know how to use social media tools.  Just because you have a bright, shiny object doesn't mean you should use it.

And if you haven't read any of Guy Kawasaki's brilliant works, why not?  You can also follow him at @GuyKawasaki.  He may not know timeshare, but he knows marketing, media and enchantment...and timeshare could use a bit more enchantment, don't you think?


  1. You didn't like my Powerpoint presentation? I used lots of bright shiny objects! :>)

  2. Your PowerPoint presentation was awesome! I was talking about other "less so awesome" presentations...and those who basically put everything up on the screen in 10 point type and then proceed to read verbatium whatever is up there. Keep up the good use of the bright shiny objects!
