Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Five and Almost 10 With...Ed Hastry

Today we're getting to know Ed Hastry, the founder and President of the National Timeshare Owners Association
What was your first job in the timeshare industry?
Bought a timeshare from a developer in 1997, shortly afterwards I put an ad in the local paper looking for timeshare owners to network with. Shortly after that the Maryland Timeshare Owners Assoc. was established.

What is the best lesson you have ever been taught?
Don't believe everything a timeshare salesperson has told you-get it in writing

What is your favorite vacation destination?
Newport, Rhode Island

What is the one thing you would change in the timeshare industry if you had the power to do it immediately?
Try to reach out to as many timeshare owners as possible to let them know there are legitimate timeshare resources out there to turn to when they are frustrated and need help

What is your favorite color?

Thanks Ed.  Remember, if you want to be featured in this interview series, or would like to suggest someone to be interviewed for this series, e-mail us at or just leave a comment.


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