Monday, June 20, 2011

Five and Almost 10 With...Tim McLaughlin

Today's interview is with Tim McLaughlin, Director of RCI Business Development.

What was your first job in the timeshare industry?
Customer Service Rep for RCI in 1982. I was the first male in the operations side of the company; no switchboard operator yet, there was a bell that rang when the phone rang, anyone available to hit *7 to pick up the call and handled it! Used a Telex to communicate with Mexico and the UK.

What is the best lesson you have ever been taught?
Be honest, learn to say "I'm sorry" and learn to say "no."  People respect honesty...

What is your favorite vacation destination?
St. Maarten-plenty of great beaches to relax

What is the one thing you would change in the timeshare industry if you had the power to do it immediately?
I'd like to change the negative image some people have for whatever reason to a more positive one, as timeshare resorts are of the nicest in the world.

What is your favorite color?
Midnight blue 

Thanks to Tim for taking part in this interview series.  If you'd like to be included, or would like to see someone included, drop us a line.

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