Friday, August 12, 2011

Five and Almost 10 With...Dave Thackeray

Today we profile the wonderfully talented Dave Thackeray, Founder of Word and Mouth.

What was your first job in timeshare?
Writing the staff magazine for RCI in Europe. Exchanges - whatever else would it be called? I then moved on to edit the magazines for affiliates and owners. Learning about the industry from both sides all the time. What a buzz!

What was the greatest lesson you'ver ever been taught?
Not to assume. Ever. Quite aside from getting me into hot water with the bosses on numerous occasions, myriad were the instances when I'd think I knew it all about timeshare and then I'd meet a developer who would completely blow me away with an incredible project, or a beautifully humanistic gesture of goodwill. Strip down the layers and we're all wonderful human beings.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
I haven't been there yet! Seriously, I think I'd say Cornwall and Devon in England. I'd trade the Sydney Opera House and the Golden Temple for the Lost Gardens of Helligan any day. You must go!

If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be?
I'd give some folks a good old shake and say you NEED to start understanding how important technology is to developing relationships with the new generation of owners. There's no quicker or more cost effective way to create an incredible reputation. The industry at large needs to figure that out for themselves. I'd love to get a stage somewhere and deliver a rocket on this subject to the assembled masses!

What is your favorite color?
Blue. Like the endless sky, and the colour of my favourite soccer team, Everton

Thanks Dave.  You know, in reading the responses to my question bout changing one thing in timeshare, I'm convinced that there are enough smart, talented people already working in our industry to really make the positive changes needed.

If you would like to be featured in this series, or know someone who should be featured, let us know!

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