Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Timeshare Board Members Association

Timeshare owners and timeshare board members need to know about the Timeshare Board Members Association (

This group was recently formed to deal with the important issues that are currently facing timeshare HOA boards; among them being rising delinquency rates, termination of "forever" timeshare deeds, due process for owner, vacation club pros and cons and of course the proliferation of the timeshare "rescue/relief" companies and what that means to owners and HOAs.

There's a meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 16th and Monday October 17th at the Scottsdale Camelback Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Don't let your timeshare board operate in a vacuum.  Take advantage of this opportunity to meet with other members, share ideas, experiences and goals. 

For more information or to RSVP, contact Shep Altshuler of TimeSharing Today at or directly at 201.924.7435.

Timeshare Insights FULLY supports this association and this meeting and encourages all timeshare owners to let their board members know about this.  Timeshare resorts are at a critical point and in order to combat what is going on, we MUST educate ourselves and work together to find answers and determine the future.


  1. Those seeking timeshare relief right now are in fact at a very large number these days. Timeshare donations could be the salvation many are looking for. Make your wallet feel lighter and your heart at the same time.

  2. Thanks for your comment. We only published it once, even though I agree that it bears reading and repeating. Timeshare donations are a good way out for some owners and resorts alike. The trick is to find a reputable company.

  3. Timeshares are such risky investment. You never know how its going to turn out. I hear getting out of a timeshare contract is a nightmare. Timeshare relief is so hard to find because of all the scams out there. Good luck to all timeshare owners!

  4. Timeshares are not an investment at all. If you ask the right questions before you buy, or work with an independent consultant, you do know what you are getting into. Timeshare relief, more often than not, is no relief at all.

  5. We actually acquired our timeshare through a family friend of ours. They sent out an email about some companies they knew who were trying donate their timeshare, to get a tax break I'm sure. In any event, my family and my brother's family, through, corporate charitable donations made out pretty well!
