Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Research Shows...

A recent survey by the Ypartnership/Harrison Group 2011 Portrail of American Travelers showed some interesting things:

*  77% of those surveyed reported that they had become a much smarter shopper thanks to today's economic situation

*  Among those travelers who use the Internet to either get travel information or make a reservation, 84% say that the ability to check the lowest fares/rates is the most important feature, followed by 82% who say that it's the lowest price/rate guarantee

*  70% of leisure travelers state that they have have taken a "celebratatory vacation" in the last year, to coincide with a birthday, anniversary, etc.

These findings beg these questions (and many more):

*  If  77% thought they had become a much smarter shopper, why does a company who does nothing but take timeshare deeds and several thousand dollars from timeshare owners who don't know any better make more than $44 million in one year?

*  If 84% of travelers use the Internet to check fares and rates, why aren't "new" timeshare prices readily available for comparison?

*  If more than 70% of travelers take a celebratory vacation, doesn't it stand to reason that people DO in fact wake up one day with the intention of going on a vacation and DON'T those celebratory vacations frequently occur?

As I've stated before, the research has already been done...the timeshare industry has ALL the tools to bring this product to far more people than it has.  Who is going to take the lead?

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