Monday, January 30, 2012

Two Important Meetings

On Sunday, February 12th, the Orlando area meeting of the National Timeshare Owners Assocation will be meeting. 

On Sunday, March 18th, the first meeting of 2012 will be held by the Florida Timeshare Ownes Group.

Why do I keep harping on these meetings?  Because there are over 4 million timeshare owners in the United States and the combined attendance at these meetings will be no more than 250.

Really?  250 people interested enough in finding out more about timeshare, new ways of using their timeshare, exchanging information about resorts increasing annual fees, resorts going broke from an astonishingly high default rate, the new "tricks" that unscrupulous companies are using to take advantage of the lack of timeshare knowledge, etc.

Mind you, both of these organizations receive more than 250 inquires a month each from frustrated consumers.  And yet, the meetings will not have any of these consumers present.

Each meeting will have a full roster of timeshare experts on hand to answer questions and guide frustrated consumers.

If you own a timeshare, you need to be there.  I don't know how much simplier I can make this.  Both Ed Hastry and Frank DeBar have DONE most of the work for you---they've organized the groups and rounded up the speakers.  All you need to do is show up.

Visit and for details.

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