Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hello From TATOC 2012

My first TATOC Conference here in Manchester has proven to be quite eye-opening.  I'll be writing much more in the following days, but I am quite impressed with what this organization has done and continues to do for the timeshare owner.

Yesterday was a full day (and I do mean a full day) of presentations and panel discussions that were both helpful and interesting.  On a personal note, I was honored to receive so many compliments on my presentation entitled "It's Not Rocket Science."  I hope that I was able to demonstrate that we in the US face many of the same issues that the industry faces in the UK and elsewhere in Europe but that these issues are in fact quite surmountable if we work together, get our collective heads out of the sand and simply DO something.

It's been terrific to get an appreciation of the UK timeshare business and I'm looking forward to visiting one or two timeshares in my remaining time here in the UK.

Hats off to Harry Taylor and everyone (who will be mentioned later) at TATOC for a superb job done.

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