Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Timeshare Meeting You Need To Be Aware Of

Timeshare Board Members Association to meet in Orlando April 22-24, 2012
Resort delegates from across the country have confirmed their attendance. Space is limited and we encourage HOA Board Members and Onsite Managers to visit or call Shep Altshuler email at Don't delay.
Note: Industry experts and providers interested in TBMA need to contact Shep Altshuler at: or 201-924-7435.

We will have on-target interactive panel discussions, extensive Q & A and ample time for networking.

There is no registration fee for those resort delegates attending TBMA Orlando. Thanks to our supporting sponsors, meals will be provided during the meeting.

There are many issues affecting resorts. Some are facing severe financial challenges. Others are proactively exploring and implementing new methods for generating revenues and saving money. You will hear some terrific bright ideas from your peers. See the Membership and Meetings Tab at


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