Thursday, April 19, 2012

No More Dog and Pony Shows Please

Knock me over with a feather.  I have seemed to raised a ruckus with some comments that I made in preparation for the upcoming TBMA meeting that I've been asked to speak at.

I said that I was curious to find out who was really going to participate and who was going to put on a dog and pony show.  I didn't mention anyone nor infer anyone or any organization.  There are serious issues facing timeshare resorts, timeshare owners and the entire timeshare industry.  Issues such as:

*  Delinquencies
*  Foreclosures
*  Owner Frustration
*  An Aging Owner Base
*  Owner Apathy
*  Continued Negative Stories In The Media
*  Increasing Number Of Scams
*  Continuing Credit Issues

These issues are NOT going away, nor are they able to be swept under the rug and ignored while people toast each other's purported $2,600 VPG.

Social media strategies ALONE are not going to solve these issues nor is a "rah rah" speech from one of the minority of resorts that are doing tremendous business (NO disrespect to those resorts).

My hope is that much like TATOC, the TMBA will recognize and call "bullshit" if and when someone tries to pull it.  Let's hope no one does.  I'm coming to work...are you?

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