Friday, October 18, 2013

Where's The Hospitality On Timeshare, Anyway?

This is an unedited portion of an online review of a large, well-known, Orlando area resort.  If this is happening here, you know it's happening everywhere else.

These tactics that pass for marketing MUST STOP.

It's gotten worst since our last stay 3 years ago.  Check in line was long and the staff weren't working quickly and weren't very friendly.  If they could work a little faster and have a welcoming smile, it would improve our impression of the resort.

Then to add more misery to the long wait, the girl checking us in gives us some $20 bogus voucher to be used anywhere in the resort.  Then some girl comes and pulls us away to bring us to yet another line.  I quickly realized that this was a marketing ploy for the timeshare demonstration.  I asked the girl and she confirmed.  I told her that I wasn't interested and gave her the $20 voucher back.  She then handed it back to me and mumbled that it wasn't worth anything anyway.  Yeah, we already knew that!

When people arrive at a resort/hotel, they are tired and simply want to get to the room.  Irritating them upon arrival is simply not good business.
On our first morning, we got a call from the sales dept. (timeshares) at 8:30 a.  They didn't even consider that we arrived from a different time zone and that 8:30 may be too early for anyone.  I told  the girl that we were asleep and she was still determined to give me the sales pitch.  This was terrible customer service!  After that call, there was no way I would go through any of their tours/discussions.  I told her that I am not interested and for her to make sure that I don't get any more calls from their sales dept.  Needless to say, there were 3 more calls during our week stay.

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