Friday, December 20, 2013

Want To Know More About RCI/ Read On

Timeshare owners around the country continue to experience some confusion as to who RCI is and what RCI does…and doesn’t do.

In an attempt to clear up this confusion and save owners time, aggravation and in some cases, thousands of dollars, the National Timeshare Owners Association is providing you this short, but essential primer.
First of all, RCI is an exchange company.  They facilitate the exchange or trade of one timeshare to another in a network of nearly 4,200 resorts worldwide.  Timeshare owners typically pay an annual membership fee to RCI as well as an exchange or trade fee.  RCI does not sell timeshares.

Many timeshare owners have been swindled out of thousands of dollars by not fully understanding what RCI does and what they don’t do.
Here’s a quick guide to assist:

RCI does not sell timeshare

RCI does not set or charge resorts’ annual maintenance fees

RCI does not set or charge resorts’ special assessments
RCI can not and does not arbitrarily change the number of points in your account

RCI does not cold call in an attempt to sell vacation packages
RCI does not cold call with invitations for “informative meetings” at a local restaurant, hotel, meeting room or any place else

RCI does not buy timeshare nor facilitate in the transfer of any timeshare
If you have questions or doubts when you are contacted by a company claiming to be RCI, don’t do anything at all before checking with your home resort and the NTOA for verification.

1 comment:

  1. Plenty of families buy timeshares with the expectation that swapping properties with others will allow them to vacation all over the world. This is not often the case, and may be more trouble than it’s worth. Even if you do have a timeshare worth swapping into, it requires a lot of research into each possible swap location before finalizing your plans. You don’t want to end up swapping to a location that has poor maintenance records, few amenities, and a bad surrounding area. Unless you join a very active network that has dozens of interested swappers every day, you might find this swapping process difficult and a hassle
