Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why Absolutes Are A Bad Thing

In my incarnation as “The Timeshare Crusader”, I’ve been quoted many times as saying that there are four words to avoid in timeshare---those being “free”, “perfect”, “always” and “never.”

Absolutes are a bad and dangerous thing and should be avoided.  Despite what some key officials within the industry choose to believe, I feel strongly that timeshare can indeed be a win/win proposition for owners and the industry.  There are far more things that both sides agree on that disagree on.

It has recently come to my attention that there are several individuals writing blogs which are really thinly disguised advertisements talking about  the need to cancel or rescind any and all timeshare purchases made on the primary market so that the purchaser can “save thousands by purchasing on the secondary market.”  While indeed, in the vast majority of cases, the prices on the secondary market can be significantly lower, it is interesting to note two things:

·          Many of these blogs getting so much press are in fact written by people who (shocker) sell timeshare on the secondary market

·         Any writer, including myself, is not in a position to give advice until they know more about the individual  they are trying to advise

The market clearly needs BOTH a thriving primary and secondary timeshare markets.  No consumer should enter into any timeshare transaction on a whim, as it is a serious decision, regardless of the cost.

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