Friday, March 28, 2014

Five and Almost 10 With Wes Kogelman

Today we meet Wes Kogelman, President of  For more about Wes, check out his personal site at

1)      What was your first job in timeshare?

While I was studying at the University of Tampa for my undergraduate degree, I worked for a resale company called Timeshares Direct in 1999 for six months. At the time, if you had a website then you were the most innovative company in the world. I soon realized I could do a better job myself driving traffic to a website and finding buyers, sellers and renters. In January, 2000, I created and embarked on a journey of a lifetime filled with excitement, roadblocks, surprises, opportunity and success.

2)     What was the greatest lesson you’ve ever been taught?

My father, Jack Kogelman, who was a Navy pilot and a professional airline pilot with amazing skills in building anything, always preached "attention to detail." This has rang in my head since I was a boy. It has served me well throughout the years, as when I get distracted the unintended consequences have proven to be costly which, again, has reinforced his message.  

3)     Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Anywhere that allows me to face my fears; scuba diving with sharks in Australia, running as fast as I can to not get hit by a bull in Pamplona, Spain, white water rafting for five days down the Middle Fork Salmon River in Idaho. Possibly climbing Elbrus in Russia in the near future. It's about the story, the adventure of doing something invigorating, something that probably makes no sense to most people. I find that these special moments test who you are and these have certainly prepared me for the battles of finding the very best solution to the secondary market. Finding success is about being willing to fail and continue trying.

4)     If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be?

Establishing a reliable exit strategy for owners, which should have been a part of the original business plan and is what I’m working tirelessly to achieve.  

5)    What is your favorite color?

Sunrise orange. To me, it means a brand new opportunity to get it right ;)
Thanks Wes!  If you would like to be included in this series or know someone who you think people should know about, drop me a line!

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