Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Comes Though Action

Happy Independence Day!

Here are some questions you might want to take a look at in order to give you more independence as a timeshare owner.  Remember that consumers have the ultimate power, we just need to be reminded of it from time to time.

Why is the same timeshare that you just paid $20,000 for selling for less than $2,000 on the resale market?

Why are there no owners on your HOA?

Why are there no regular communications from the resort?

Why is a VP at a major timeshare developer allowed to call prospective owners 'moochers' yet suffer no consequences?

How do all of those scam timeshare "resale" companies obtain your name, phone number and ownership information?

Why is the resort levying a special assessment when you didn't receive notice of their intention nor the ability to vote on it?

Why can't you use your ownership at the resort that your purchased at when it was one of the main selling features?

If the resort(s) that you own at aren't taking part in International Timeshare Appreciation Day, why aren't they?

Independence comes through action.  Act with your calls. Act with your emails. Act with your social media channels. Act by demanding answers to your questions. And above all, vote with your wallet.
You have the power. You always have.




1 comment:

  1. Why is the same timeshare that you just paid $20,000 for selling for less than $2,000 on the resale market?

    Because it was stupid to buy that for $20,000. It's barely worth the $2000 desperate people will sell their $20,000 purchase for. It's probably worthless.

    Why are there no regular communications from the resort?

    Because they consider timeshare owners completely powerless and of no value. If you don't pay whatever "maintenance fee" they charge you they will ruin your credit. You have no power, they have all the power. You are unimportant, they just want you to keep paying.

    Why is a VP at a major timeshare developer allowed to call prospective owners 'moochers' yet suffer no consequences?
    Because timeshare developers consider timeshare buyers dopes. And you are indeed a dope for buying from them.

    Why can't you use your ownership at the resort that your purchased at when it was one of the main selling features?

    Because they cheated you, and you fell for it.
