Thursday, October 2, 2014

Five and Almost 10 With...Michael Burns

Today we meet Michael Burns, President of

1.  What was your first job in the timeshare industry?  
After graduating from the University of Washington and planning to go to law school, my father convinced me to come to work for the company he co-founded in the industry, Vacation Internationale, where I worked in the marketing department doing a variety of marketing and sales support roles.  

2.  What is the greatest lesson you've ever been taught in business?  
First impressions are everything, so get it right and make it right from the beginning.  

3.  What is your favorite vacation spot?  
Hands down...the American & Canadian San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest.  

4.  If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be? 
 Quite honestly, we are doing it at Vacatia and that is to provide real, sustainable solutions for the resale/secondary market in a highly credible, accurate and transparent way with no upfront fees. 

5.  What is your favorite color?  
Most of the time...Blue. 

If you'd like to be included in this series, drop me a line at



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