Monday, December 29, 2014

Consumers' Rule---Remember That

As 2014 is almost over with, I thought I'd end the year saying yet again, that consumers rule.  No obscene amount of money that someone at a corporation spends on a "reputation management" company will change that.

Over the past week, some new commercials have been airing here in the Orlando area for a car dealer.  They feature supposedly unscripted testimonials from consumers about the car buying experience.  Are these truly unscripted?  I don't know.  But, what I like about the spots is that the dealer has the good sense to acknowledge the fact that 99.9% of people don't like the car buying experience.

Acknowledging that there's a problem, or shall we say, room for improvement, is the first step in fixing the problem.  You can't fix what you don't admit to.  You can't gloss it over, you can "fudge" the facts, you can't throw people off the trail with surveys; no matter how expensive those are to least not in the long run.

There's a lesson here for those astute enough to learn it.

Happy New Year.

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