Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Five and Almost 10 With...Fermin Cruz

Fermin Cruz is the Vice President of the Americas for Dial An Exchange

What was your first job in timeshare?
My first job in timeshare was with ICE in 2001. It was a great experience with a high growth, innovative company! I was in marketing and business development.
What was the greatest lesson you've ever been taught?
Listen and learn from someone who has been there before!

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
I love the waters of the Caribbean and the wildlife of Alaska. Is there such a spot?

If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be?

I would love to see a change in the traditional sales and marketing process. I would love to see an evolution of marketing efficiency and would love to change the market and industry perception that timeshare or “vacation ownership” is not a “sought after” product.

What is your favorite color?

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