Thursday, August 27, 2015


Back in July, this is what I heard:

ORDER: the parties shall file their motion for preliminary approval of the settlement agreement by August 7, 2015; in the event this matter has not been fully resolved by August 7, 2015, the parties shall appear in person for a status conference on Friday, August 14, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. Signed by Judge John Antoon II on 7/8/2015.

Yesterday, this:

Lawyers for all parties attended a status conference in person with the judge on August 14, 2015.  The parties advised that though an agreement in principle has been reached for a proposed settlement, several administrative issues relating to implementing the terms of the proposed settlement require additional time to be resolved.  The Judge entered the following order after the status conference:


Minute Entry. Proceedings held before Judge John Antoon II: STATUS CONFERENCE held on 8/14/2015. Court inquires as to joint approval of settlement and orders the parties to file a status report by October 14, 2015. If an agreement has not been reached, the Court will refer the case to Jeffrey Fleming for an in-person meeting.

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