Monday, April 4, 2016

Manhattan Club Update

Here's the latest on this important case:

The lead attorney from the New York Attorney General's office on The Manhattan Club investigation, Serwat Farooq, is asking for any documents TMC owners can provide concerning experiences with the MC such as : Documents received when purchased ownership interest, Advertisements, solicitations or brochures, Notices received after the date of purchase relating to the purchase, Notices invoices or other documents concerning the financing obtained in connection with the purchase, Notices and/or invoices relating to mortgage obligations Notices and/or invoices relating to the MC’s yearly operating budget Correspondence to and/or from the TMC owner and the MC relating to reservations, maintenance fees or mortgages Documents relating to the resale of ownership interest, Documents demonstrating who was contacted to make reservations, Documents demonstrating unsuccessful attempts to making reservations, documents on RCI conversions MC pitch, Any other documents relating to the MC.  The Offering documents are very important.  Any one with a CD TMC Offering make a copy and send.  For telephone book Offering documents copy the important pages and send. Her address is:


Atty. Serwat Farooq, Asst. Attorney General

New York Attorney General’s Office

Re: The Manhattan Club Investigation

120 Broadway, 23rd Floor

New York, NY  10271

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