Friday, May 6, 2016

Florida Loses Two Consumer Watch-Dogs

The state of Florida, known to be the heart of timeshare matters in the United States, has lost not one, but two consumer watch-dogs.  Read on to see where they ended up.

Richard Lawson, former director of the Florida Attorney General’s Consumer Protection and Robert Clements, Senior Assistant Attorney General have parted ways with the AG’s office.

Mr. Lawson, who handled investigative matters pertaining to deceptive advertising, fraudulent financial practices and timeshare and other travel-related scams, will assume a role with the New York firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phelps, concentrating on regulatory enforcement defense, marketing and media-related investigations, counseling and litigation.  He will provide strategic counsel and defense to clients across the country facing single-state, multi-state and FTC regulatory investigations and enforcement actions.

Mr. Clements, who was the Senior Assistant Attorney General in charge of enforcing Florida’s Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act and who has handled joint investigations and enforcement actions with the FTC, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and other agencies who have handled timeshare matters, as just joined the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.  Mr. Clements will be assigned to the State Affairs Legislative team in Orlando, Florida


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