Friday, October 21, 2016

A Call To Action

Today in the timeshare blog I’m going to reach out and ask you to do something.

As some of you know, I’ve been splitting my time over the past 3 plus years between my duties here at Timeshare Insights and my role as the Director of Member Services for the National Timeshare Owners Association.

The NTOA has been around for nearly 20 years and continues to operate under its three basic tenants:

·         Educating timeshare owners and prospective timeshare owners
·         Advocating on behalf of timeshare owners
·         Encouraging responsible timeshare ownership and management

I worked hand in hand with the other Executive Team members on crafting both the Timeshare Owners Bill of Rights and the Best Practices for resorts

I’ve also worked extraordinarily hard on crafting an ongoing selection of Member Benefits that center around timeshare and travel in addition to being part of the team to construct educational videos, newsletters and ASK-NTOA resolution center.

I’ve been around the timeshare world for 16 years now and there are a few things that are crystal clear:

·         Purchasing and owning timeshare is NOT easy
·         The number of scams targeting consumers continues to rise
·         There are an increasing number of fake “advocacy” groups out there just waiting to pounce on you
·         No one purchased a timeshare in hopes of having to join an owner’s association to find education, support, attending meetings and/or pay more money to get answers and help.

So, you guessed it…I’m asking you to pay money and join the NTOA.

For those of you who are still reading…thank you.

NTOA has more power and influence that I will ever have and that’s why I’m working with them.

Timeshare Insights is NOT going away.  As an independent, I can voice an opinion that is purely mine and may be the same as some of yours.  NTOA represents our opinion as a collective community.
But NTOA, you and I have the opportunity to create real change.  Change that if not made, could prove to be catastrophic for a lot of people…including you the timeshare owner.

That’s why I’m urging you to join us in our mission.  You’ll save $10 off your membership by using discount code TI545 when you join using this link 
Everything I and Timeshare Insights has achieved to date is because of you.  Thank you.  Continue to write me, continue to guest blog, continue to interact with me on Facebook, on Twitter.  But we need to facilitate change.  Let’s go.


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