Thursday, December 8, 2016

Are The Good Guys Doomed?

Another day, another sad e-mail.  I've redacted name of the resort, although truth be told, I'm sick and tired of redacting the name of companies that continue to engage in these practices.

I'm sick and tired of unsuspecting prospective timeshare owners being told that if they no longer want the timeshare that the developer will buy it back.  I'm sick and tired of finding out that the average resale price of a timeshare is $15.  And yes, I'm sick and tired of consumers doing no research at all and just accepting the salespersons' word as gospel.

Lisa - I must admit that it floors me to be reading all these other (name redacted) time share owner's blogs. My wife & I are in the same nightmare these other people are. Unfortunately, we made this terrible mistake twice when we finally did use some points & take a short vacation at their place in the Dells. We "had to" go see one of their reps in Christmas Village to be schooled a little more on the program. We were victims of a well thought scam in being told we got our points extremely cheap by mistake & were put in at a higher level than we were supposed to be at. With this "mistake" we had the privilege of taking advantage of their mistake & buying more points at half their value. Sucked in by a very believable rep, we walked out of there with 25,000 points & much more debt. It has been two years since & we have not been able to use them, due to my wife falling ill to cancer. The medical bills had stacked up, along with the (name redacted) maintenance fees. It sucks only using the program once in 4 years, while paying thousands into them. We need out like all these other nice people. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm sure this is a nice guy.  I'm sure the majority of the nearly 800 e-mails I have in my inbox come from nice guys.

Are the nice guys doomed?  Have the bad guys won?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa Ann. I got my paltry cheque today. I have walked from this, sold my house and moved abroad
    Good luck to Festival if they try to find me. I have paid them nothing for 4 years and will never pay them another cent. Thanks for all your efforts but these people have got away with. What is wrong with the US justice system when these scumbags can rip people off like this. The timeshare industry is finished. Patrick
