Monday, May 15, 2017


Last week, the American Resort Development Association released "Shifting Historic Industry Perception with Owner Data" in which they, along with the ARDA International Foundation, attempted to clear up 6 myths.

It was "myth 6" that caught my eye:

Myth #6: All timeshare owners disliked the buying experience.
Fact: More than seven out of 10 recent purchasers (71%) found their buying experience to be excellent or good.

Now, I don't know what "recent" means, nor do I know if the people surveyed purchased at a resort or on the secondary market.

However, I do know that the overwhelming percentage of timeshare complaints that I receive on a daily basis have to do with the buying experience a/k/a the sales pitch.

So, let's hear from you, my readers.  Agree, disagree with these findings?  Feel free to divulge as much information as you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. So what if 7 out of 10 found their buying experience excellent or good. FOX Celebrity Dave Ramsey interviewed on FOX said timeshare has a 98% dissatisfaction rate. Neither side is accurate. Numbers are just numbers. Unless you look at how and where the data is collected, the data can be massaged to say whatever it wants. Just the fact that this must be defended so vigorously tells you there is fire where there is smoke. The Attorney General's office in Arizona is asking consumers who have experienced an aggressive or deceptive sales presentation to report it to their office on their complaint form, even if no purchase was made. Funny they would request that if everyone is having such a great time buying timeshares.
