Friday, February 2, 2018

Hey Wyndham, Why The Upsell?

I’m publishing yet another unedited Guest Post concerning the very troubling epidemic of upselling existing timeshare owners. 

When will these developers realize that lying to their owners does them more harm than good?  The best and most effective marketing that any company can initiate is Wird of Mouth. These words anger me and I hope you as well. 

Hi Lisa, I hope you can help me or direct me on my issues with Wyndham Vacation Resorts.  I have been a Wyndham owner for 8 plus years and it has always been difficult to schedule vacations, I had to wait over a year to book and at that with limited selection.  Every time I complained, they had me "update" my package.  Last year we purchased so many points, we could not even use them, which is difficult to use when there are no availability so we just transferred them to RCI, now there's an even worse wait time and more fees.  

Every Thanksgiving we stay at the Glacier Canyon, Wisconsin Dells, as we did this Thanksgiving and once again I complained and once again they found the reason..... you don't have the right deed.  If you deed it with Glacier Canyon instead of Florida, you will be much happier and look at all the availability there is for you.  Not only that.... we will assign you to the "count on me team" who will even book your vacations for you!!!! The same gentleman that "upgraded" our package and promised he will schedule everything for me, I need a vacation, I call him, best to give him some time of course but still he will research it and won't book until I approve the vacation.  

We already discussed dates for 2018, I pulled up my calendar and told him when my kids are off of school so those days are open for travel.  Seven hours they kept us there to "update" our package.  We finally left and they even emailed me the next day that they are here for me if I have questions.

After the 5-day rescind period, we return home and I start emailing them on moving all the unused points or can they book something in Chicago for me as they promised at the signing that they would.  Deaf silence, no reply.  I email the "count on me team" every day and every other day and leave voice messages, still waiting for a reply.  Needless to say, nothing in my "new upgraded package" is available and nothing has changed except my expense of $300 monthly maintenance fees in additional to the new $1,200 a month loan.  THAT'S CRAZY AND I AM SO EMBARRESED THAT I GOT SUCKERED AGAIN!!

I had a booking this January for my daughter's birthday for 2 nites, we stayed there again, and again at check-in, they try to have you go up and listen to their presentation and they will give you $150 gift card.  I told them they can shove their presentation and their gift where the sun don't shine.  The staff said, if you don't like it here, why are you here?  I said that my children and I enjoy the facility, but I certainly don't enjoy the lies that Wyndham is selling.  I told them that I understand it is their job to find suckers but I am done listening to the lies and empty promises and quite frankly that's "breach of contract" as far as I'm concerned.  They tried to call up someone to talk to me but I said I had nothing more to tell them and that I am speaking with attorney to get out of it.  (Not sure if that was the right thing to say but I'm sure they were not moved by my threats).

At this point, we decided to get out of this SCAM.  I have to accept the fact that it will NEVER get better.  I can book quick and much cheaper same vacation on ebay than waiting for them to "fix" the booking or over-booking issues.

My questions is, do I just stop paying?  They have my credit card from where they pull the $300 a month maintenance fees and now are calling me about the $1,200 I signed into, which as of earlier in January I have defaulted.  I also had to give them a $3,000.00 check on the spot for the "closing fees".  So I am out a lot but am ready to be done with this.  I do work for a law firm, spoke with one of the attorney's but even that, I will have to pay something for their involvement.  I'm just wondering, with your experience, what would your suggestion be???

1 comment:

  1. There is a "new" Wyndham service called "Wyndham Cares". Maybe not. But here is the link. They say they will help. Who knows.
