Thursday, May 17, 2018

Aggressive, Mean-Spirted and Unethical

I read an article last night at 2:00 am while the fire alarm was going off in the building next to mine, about how some top executives in the timeshare industry were upset and concerned about the proliferation of companies designed to get people out of their timeshare. 

To quote the article;”...the constant barrage of aggressive ads from lawyers, wannabe lawyers and other sharks offering to help hapless owners was upsetting to the public and, particularly, to owners who were being prompted to question their purchase.”  It continued to quote the COO of a timeshare company that is currently facing legal action from one or more of its sales agents accused of selling timeshare points as a financial investment;”...seeing a dramatically rising incidence of default.” and categorized the activity of these companies as “mean-spirited and, in the opinion of resort shareholders, unethical.”  

I kid you not. The timeshare industry accusing these companies of being aggressive, mean-spirited and unethical. Have any of these guys ever sat through a 3, 4 or 6 hour timeshare sales pitch?  

Dear timeshare industry people:  Rather than complain about the proliferation of companies designed to get people out of their timeshare, how about you stop suppressing the secondary market and devise a fair exit strategy?  

Fondly, Lisa 

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