Monday, June 18, 2018

An Open Letter to Timeshare Developers

Dear Timeshare Developers:

I’d appreciate an honest answer from any of you. 

Why do you not buy back your own product when it’s being sold for $1,000, $100 or $1.00 on the secondary market when you can turn around and sell it the very next day or week for whatever grossly inflated price you do each and everyday to unsuspecting consumers?

It’s not like we’re talking about a product that deprecated due to rust or even the fact that it’s outdated. You maintain the product with the owners money and you determine the usage rules. 

ARDA just reported that the average price of a timeshare was $22,180. 

In under a minute, I was able to find these listings on a reputable resale site:

Marriott’s Desert Springs $4,295
Orange Lake North Village $3,000
Sheraton Broadway Plantation $500
Summer Bay Orlando $0 (not a typo)

It seems to me that you guys could turn a nifty profit by snapping these up and selling them for $22,180 or whatever your salespeople try to get. 

But you don’t. Why is that?  Are you trying to give the impression that these timeshares aren’t worth anything?  Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. 


  1. Hi! I was contacted by Resort Resort release after I filled out a form for help online with my timeshare. I have a timeshare with Windham, and I can no longer afford the maintenance fees. I contacted resort release, they told me they would transfer it out of my name and I would be released from the timeshare and would not have to pay any future fees. I am a bit cautious of course, because they want like $6000 to do this so I want to make sure this is not a scam. Do you have any experience with this company and what they’re telling me? I am 74 years old and cannot afford to be scammed out of $6000 that is the case. Thanks. Kath
