Thursday, July 5, 2018

Warning! Don’t Sign Anything

Yet another sad, disgraceful example of horrible tactics used by this timeshare developer. Thankfully, these people realized they were being hustled. 
How many don’t?

We went to an owners update in Williamsburg. When it started we were told that NAME REDACTED could now consolidate the 2 loans that we have with them into one and at the same time lower our interest rate. He said several times that no purchase was necessary, only that it was a win-win situation for us!  

Obviously we had to sign paperwork for them to run our credit.  When the salesman came back into the room, he said it looked like we would save $200/month but they were waiting on the paperwork to print.  He went back out and came back with the finalized paperwork.  

When we were presented the paperwork,  they had us rolling our maintenance fees in for the next 10 years into the loan!  I THINK THEY BELIEVE WE WERE BORN YESTERDAY!  I asked the salesman where our straight refinancing and consolidation paperwork was.  He said this WAS the proposal!  

I told him it was garbage and we were lied to in order to get us to sign for the credit check!  I asked for a supervisor and instead got the manager of hospitality.   I asked for his name and the name of the salesman.  I want to make a complaint as this put a hard inquiry on my credit! This is a horrible sales tactic and they should not be able to get away with it.  Yes, I turned into a witch there with a capital B!

The moral of this story is don’t sign anything, don’t provide your Social Security Number, don’t provide credit card information to anyone. 

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