Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Don’t Buy a Timeshare for the Frosting

I keep telling people to only purchase timeshare to use as an alternative to hotel rooms on vacation. But people continue to buy it for the unfulfillable promises of “other” uses.

Just as you shouldn’t buy a cupcake for the frosting, don’t buy a timeshare because the salesperson is telling you “frosting” stories which of course can’t be validated until after your rescission period has run out.

Here’s today’s frosting story:

I don't know if there if anything to be done or legal help, but I thought I'd check here. 

About a month ago we purchased a sampler package for $4000. We spoke in detail (for 3 hours) about wanting to take a trip to Europe with our points. We were told we could completely use our points to reserve these, at a half off rate, for hotels and rental cars. 

When I went to activate the package 10 days later, I found out that we could only use up to 20% points (at full rate) and that rental cars aren't even an option at all. 

We were completely, and blatantly lied to. I tried to follow up with my sales rep who gave us the runaround for over a week. 

I just spoke to the escalation department who said they basically can't do anything since we signed and it's past the rescind date.

I am just feeling so frustrated, lied to, and now out a lot of money that we were saving to use towards our trip. :(

Any help would be amazing, thanks.

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