Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Epic Hospitality Fail

Epic FAIL in terms of hospitality at this resort. (This is a verbatim report from a timeshare owner that I’m reprinting in full here both to embarrass the resort personnel and developer involved and to warn consumers to avoid the concierge/hospitality desk when checking in and demand to get your room key from the check in desk.)

Nightmare checking into Royal Kona yesterday!  Before arriving I got a sales call for a whole day of activities etc. for $99.00. I said that I would be interested but didn’t know for sure I would be able to because my husband didn’t know if he was going to make it.  “No problem” said the sales guy.  “If he can’t we’ll just cancel your reservation”.  

But when I checked in, the activities concierge Kamakani Pua said we needed to go over the paperwork for the activities that I signed up for.  I said I called and cancelled it because my husband couldn’t come with me.  He was immediately rude and said I couldn’t cancel because I already agreed to it.  He kept insisting I sign a paper regarding the promotion.  I said I wouldn’t sign it because I cancelled it and I can’t go.  He said he would not give me my room keys unless I signed the paper!!! I had been flying for 12 hours.  I was exhausted and by myself for the first time.  

I asked to speak to  the guy who told me I could cancel and he said he wasn’t available.  I asked for a manager and he refused that too. He was extremely rude.  He said I needed proof and I needed to show him a email or something to prove it.  And then he says, all the calls are recorded, we can pull it up to see if you agreed to this.  I said, awesome!  Get the recording!  He said he’d have to go through customer service, etc. and was raising his voice.  But never did it.  I finally signed it and figured I’d call the credit card company to make sure they didn’t charge me.  

As soon as I got to my room the same guy who was yelling at me Kamakani Pua called and said he cancelled it and I wouldn’t be charged and that he’s sending me a confirmation email.  No explanation, no apology, and no email.  The only email I received was one to join Greenback.  

It was such a nightmare I’m still so upset that he wouldn’t give me my room keys!!  Needless to say we will NEVER agree to do another sales presentation no matter what they offer!  I’ve never been treated so poorly and with such disrespect in my life.  When I was walking away a family stopped me and said they overheard what was going on and said they were having a huge problem too.  Something about their keys not working after a few days and it was a nightmare.  Not sure what that was about because I was so upset about what just happened to me I couldn’t even talk.  We’ve never had any problems with resorts or presentations till now.  I recommend you do NOT stay at the Royal Kona.

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