Friday, November 2, 2018

I’m Done Answering Questions About 5 Hour Sales Pitches

One of the most frequent questions I receive from both owners and non-owners is “Do I have to attend a timeshare sales presentation when I’m at the resort?”

It’s very cut and dry:

> If you are staying at the resort or even a hotel at a discounted rate offered by the developer or their affiliated marketing company the answer is YES

> If you are staying at the resort using all or a portion of a ‘trial program’ you previously purchased the answer is YES

> If you are receiving any sort of free or discounted admission, tickets, etc. to a theme park, attraction, concert, special event, etc. the answer is YES

> If you are using your week or points to stay at your home resort the answer is NO

> If you are using your week or points to exchange into another resort the answer is NO

> If you are renting a stay at the resort from an individual owner the answer is NO

> If you are renting a stay at the resort from the resort itself CHECK THE FINE PRINT

As a follow up, here’s an easy to follow checklist of what to do and what not to do to avoid being taken advantage of during a sales presentation:

> Be polite

> Don’t hand over your credit card and/or driver’s license to anyone or allow anyone to make a photocopy of them. If you’re asked for them upon check in to verify your identity, show them while holding onto them

> Ask the salesperson at the onset how long the presentation is going to take, or better yet, the minimum time you need to be there to fulfill the terms of the offer. This is BY LAW found in the small print of whatever offer you’re accepting 

> Set a timer or alarm for ten (10) minutes prior to that to serve as a reminder to both the salesperson and yourself

> If you choose not to purchase whatever they’re offering after your allotted time, say NO, shake the salesperson’s hand, thank them, get up and ask to be directed to where you can claim your gift, or whatever you’re entitled to receive

> If you choose not to purchase whatever they’re offering do NOT sign or initial anything, whether on paper or electronically 

Sounds easy, right?  I can guarantee you that next week I’ll hear a sob story from a consumer telling me that they were ‘forced to buy something’ because the sales presentation went on for 5 hours. 

There are important issues facing consumers in the timeshare industry. I’m done wasting my time on people who simply will not follow any common sense. 

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