Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Is DVC Really Just ‘Another Timeshare’ Now?

Effective January 19th, Disney Vacation Club is implementing some changes, joining many other developers in placing some rather stringent usage restrictions on resale purchases. 

In short, here’s what’s changing;

>Resale contracts purchased for the original 14 resorts at Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and 3 stand-alone locations will only be able to use their points at those 14 existing resorts

>Buyers who purchase a resale of Disney’s Riviera Resort or Reflections – A Disney Lakeside Lodge (the newest resorts now being built) will only be able to stay at the DVC resort they purchased 

These are fairly substantial changes and are certain to affect resale prices, which have traditionally been very high, going forward. It also means that DVC will most likely exercise their Right of First Refusal more than they currently do, swooping in and purchasing inventory only to turn around and sell it again as ‘new’.

As one writer described it:  ‘The time of innocence is over. DVC is just another timeshare.’


1 comment:

  1. It's a step in the wrong direction. A tightening of the resale market makes it harder for people to exit their financial commitments, which leads to more and more desperate measure for those who need to get out.
