Thursday, June 27, 2019

You Want Timeshare Change? Here’s How

After reading yet another sob story from a consumer who said among other things:  

>he was kept at his sales pitch for 5 hours, 
>he was under the impression that he was buying one thing when it turns out he was buying something different,
>the monthly payments increased and maintenance fees magically appeared in between the sales table and the closing office

I’m again floored.  

He rant started this way:  I just left Florida recently and of course to get my free gift went to the diamond resort presentation that was supposed to last 120 min and lasted 5 hours at mystic dunes resort in Orlando...

I swore I was not going to comment on these type of posts any longer, but here’s what I said:

I am a long time consumer advocate focused on timeshare issues. I do not condone any misrepresentation or lying by any developer’s employees or agents. 

Having said that, when will people understand that there is no such thing as a “free gift”?  When will people understand that when you agree to the sales pitch in exchange for your “free gift” you are only obligated to stay the length of time that’s in writing?  Yes, it’s in writing because it’s the law. 

The system that is in place is in place because it’s working for the developers. Once consumers stop accepting the status quo and the “free gifts”, the system will be changed.


  1. It may be perfectly legal to walk out after the agreed-to time limit of the presentation... but you should try it yourself 'in cognito' in today's environment...but be prepared to be treated like a leper (or worse) when you do. And, by the way, I see more and more reports that the "free gifts" of tickets, tours, etc. come with additional charges and/or are completely invalid.

    1. I do not disagree. But that’s my point, consumers must start retaking their power and not put up with being treated like a leper when they are operating within their rights. The sales staff preys on the fact that too many feel guilty for saying no and sticking to the time allotted.

      As for the gifts, you are correct. Why anyone would not even question the legitimacy of a WDW or other ticket coming from anyone other than WDW always baffled me.
