Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Long Lasting and Powerful Ether

It’s no surprise that I frequently look around Twitter to see what’s new in the world of timeshare. If you don’t already follow me there, I’m @LisaLooksAt. 

Oftentimes, those of us not engaged in timeshare selling wonder how consumers purchase a pricey timeshare without a good understanding of how it works, what the pros and cons of it are and/or the fact that many timeshares can be purchased on the legitimate secondary market for a tiny fraction of what the developer is charging; which can be a boon provided the consumer both understands and is accepting of the usage restrictions. 

On Sunday I spotted this tweet:

I just became a #WorldMark by #Wyndham #TimeShareOwner today 8.24.19 on my own!!! Yay, I mean I honestly am proud to say I own something besides my car! If I ever have no place to live, I can use always book my timeshare that can last me a few weeks lol 😂Perks of TimeShare

I decided to engage this person by asking a seemingly innocuous question:

Did you buy it from the developer or on the secondary market?

I received this response which clearly indicated to me that she did not have a decent grasp on what she purchased:

Hi, I’m not sure what that means. I would believe I got it directly from the them with my welcome box and they have like a whole sales department. I don’t know the difference

Trying to be helpful and perhaps open her eyes, I sent her this:

All I’m saying is that if you purchased it from the developer, most likely at the resort, you owe it to yourself to check out the secondary market. 99% chance you’ll find what you bought at a tiny fraction of what the developer charged you

Unbelievably I received this response which demonstrated more ether induced giddiness and left me with no doubt that when the ether wore off, say in a year or so, this person will become fodder for the multitude of companies who will promise her a way out of the financial joke she’s dug for herself:

oh gotcha, well based on what I was sold, I think it was explained clearly want I was purchased. Besides the purchase is a peace of mind that I have a place for family/friends to stay anytime as many times they visit me, w/o using my credits on my timeshare.

I have to hand it to her salesperson, this is some long lasting and powerful ether they pumped her with. 

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