Sunday, February 9, 2020

Where Is Your Public Offering Statement?

If you’re like most first time timeshare buyers, you may have no idea what I’m referring to. BIG MISTAKE. 

The Public Offering Statement (POS) explains in detail everything you should know about your purchase PRIOR TO PURCHASING. In fact, if you look through the mountains of paperwork you received when you purchased, or as is increasingly common these days; buried in a CD-ROM, you’ll find the POS with this phrase on the front: “READ PRIOR TO SIGNING”.

Chances are you did not know you received, much less read this POS when you purchased your timeshare. 

To be fair, the POS must be received prior to or at the same time as the other paperwork. Either way, you didn’t know it even existed, did you?

Asking for this POS prior to signing any purchase paperwork is a wonderful thing to do as it will put the sales staff and the closing/verification officer on notice that they’re not dealing with an ordinary uninformed consumer. 

If this post helps one consumer from making a bad purchase, I’m happy. As for the rest of you who already purchased; find the POS, make a pot of coffee and settle in for a long and eye opening read. 

You’re welcome. 

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