Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Year...Same Old Stories

As 2021 dawns, I’m pleased to announce that there’s been a seismic change in timeshare. 

Yeah, right. It’s the same old lies being told and the same old lies being believed, resulting in anger, frustration and a continuing bad reputation for the industry. 

Consider this recent encounter:

“We were told that if we bought 6000 more points and moved up to platinum, we would never have to pay any maintenance fees or assessments as long as we booked 20,000 points a year.  And our children would never have to pay either, as long as 20,000 points were used for bookings each year.  And none of us would ever need to go to the sales pitch again, and a booking for single bedroom would be automatically upgraded to two bedrooms at the one bedroom rate.  First time we tried to use that we were told we could only get the upgrade if we go to the talk.” 

None of this was in writing of course.  The consumer didn’t bother to ask about these ‘benefits’ during the closing.  Nor did they read the contract or do some basic research during the rescission period. 

Buckle up people. It seems we’re in for yet another year of status quo. Unless...wait, is that a glimmer of hope out there?  It is. Stay tuned. 


  1. Well Im waiting because I have been trying to get out since 2004. I was never notified of a lawsuit, and now Im getting the run around from the timeshare.
