Friday, March 5, 2021

And Now For Something Completely Different

Yesterday was a great day for me, for consumers and for the timeshare industry. 

I’ve been working with ARDA leadership for some time on a document that would provide prospective timeshare purchasers with the starting information they need in order to make wise decisions. 

Yesterday, that document was revealed. It’s in a hyperlink in the body of this Press Release ( that talks about our working relationship. 

I owe a debt of gratitude to many people for getting me to this point. I hope I reached out to them yesterday and thanked them. I also owe a debt of gratitude to you, my readers, for having the faith in me that you do. 

I will continue to blog, speak, educate and consult without any restrictions placed on me. It’s important to have an uncensored, unbiased and independent voice out there and that will still be what I do. 

I’m certain that this is the first of many initiatives that will be unveiled in the coming months. 

In case you didn’t click on the press release and then the hyperlink to the document in question, you really should. I believe this may be the first time that the industry acknowledged that there might be some discrepancies between what is said during a sales pitch and what’s in the contract  BIG STUFF!

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