Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Few Words About Filing Regulatory Complaints

I wish this was either made up or an exception. The truth is this happens much too often. Unfortunately, these consumers turn to online groups who convince them that they should file regulatory complaints or just walk away. Filing regulatory complaints to whom?  For what?  Just because you made multiple poor financial choices is no basis for a complaint. Walk away?  So now after making multiple poor financial choices, you’re going to take legal advice from someone other than an attorney?  

“After four presentations, my husband and I have gone from Sampler, to Standard, to Gold, and then to something they called an upgrade from "ownership," to "membership."  We now have 19000 points,  two mortgages totaling over $45000, and annual maintenance fees of nearly $4000.  And we have already paid over $20000 in down payments and monthly mortgage payments in just 15 months.  We will never take vacations worth the amount of money this is costing us. Is there any way out?”

Before I get screamed at online, I should note that there was no mention of anything being misrepresented by the salesperson in the original post.  So, please save your breath and don’t make anymore accusations of me blaming the customer rather than the salesperson. 

There are a lot of serious matters facing the timeshare industry. There are a lot of serious issues that regulatory agencies should be looking at. Don’t waste valuable time by filing complaints when the only valid complaint is that you made a series of poor decisions. 


  1. Or, you were overwhelmed by slick, prepared and dishonest salespeople who told you that what you had was not good enough for your purposes. And the next purchase would solve all your problems. And, you were stupid enough to think that these people would not lie to you - but they did. And you want some way to get even, even though you probably can't. So, get the government involved. I get it.

  2. Most people would understand but for some reason, there are those that feel the need to bully anyone that feels victimized by the timeshare industry is the answer. I guess if we could get owners to keep their mouths shut there wouldn't be any problems with the timeshare industry.

  3. Do you understand how those "multiple poor financial choices" are made? Just google “why people make poor financial decisions” and you will see what exactly what timeshare presentations are compiled of. These are just a few:
    •People are poor, tired, and worn out and people see vacations as a luxury for the rich, and timeshare’s use this and want people to believe they can afford it.
    •Age: the sweet spot for financial decision-making is at the age of 53. Those under 53 tend to not be financially mature and those over 53 start losing memory and numeric problem-solving. Timeshares tend to take advantage of both situations.
    •Many people are not good at math and the timeshare industry counts on this.
    •Many people can’t cope with choice and complexity- A study at Columbia University in 2000 revealed that we cannot function when given too many options- perfect for sales reps in the timeshare industry
    •People want to do what everyone else is doing-Again timeshare use this to their advantage- even used to publicly congratulate fake couples for their purchase of a timeshare while others are going through the presentation.
    The timeshare industry is the only industry where you see so many of the same complaints and it all has to do with the industry not being held responsible.

    So, when you say “don’t waste valuable time by filing complaints when the only valid complaint is that you made a series of poor decisions.” and talk about all those “bitching” on Facebook… You need to know they really do have a reason to file complaints and “bitch” because this industry wants to pretend, they care about their owners when in fact they thrive on the poor, tired, worn out, financially immature, the elderly, the stressed and insecure. Even though misrepresentation was not mentioned…it was still the obvious cause of the complaint and yes, you are blaming the customer. What was your intent for the post? How is your post helpful to anyone but the timeshare? You sound like a bully trying to prevent unhappy owners from coming forward, you are part of the problem.

  4. As I have said for years, there are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to file regulatory complaints. PLENTY.

    What I’m saying here is that just because someone bought more timeshare than the can afford and/or use is no reason to weigh down an already overburdened system. It also makes legitimate complaints weaker.

    Anyone who thinks I’m only blaming the consumer is not paying attention.

  5. You didn't answer my question on how this helps anyone...except the timeshare. I have been paying attention. I see bully-type remarks that help no consumer out there. You claim to be "educating" the consumer but comments like "bitching" or that a consumer is "wasting time filing complaints when the only valid complaint is poor decisions” are not helpful.

    You claim that the Timeshare Industry will never change. You'd be right if you could persuade enough disgruntled owners to keep their complaints to their selves! However, they can and will change if the sales reps are held responsible and checks and balances are put into place to make sure this happens.

    If you really want to help disgruntled owners- give them guidance and power just don’t belittle them.
