Friday, June 18, 2021

Prizes…We Like The Prizes

Reading a lengthy thread on a FB page dedicated to bitching about the ills, perceived or real, of a certain timeshare developer. The original post and many comments that followed were all about how the salesperson had kept them past the allotted: hours, how the manager had “made” them sign paperwork and how the purchaser didn’t get access to their points until 2022.  

One person posted this comment:  “Why do you continue to go to these sales presentations?”  A valid question I ask consumers every single day. The original poster wrote this: “Because I like the prizes.” and completed her comment with a smiley emoji. 

While it’s bad enough that this happens millions of times per year in this country, what followed that comment floored me; and I’m not easily floored in timeshare matters. 

At last count, there were 27 comments, including from the original poster about these prizes and how much they enjoyed trying to get more prizes out of the person booking the sales pitch. 

I say I’m floored for a number of reasons:

> These aren’t prizes, they’re bribes 

> These bribes are baked into the marketing and sales costs of every single timeshare product the developer is selling…as is the commission that the booker gets for getting you to the sales pitch

> If the standard bribe is $150 or two rounds of golf, but you think you’re being a good negotiator by getting them to increase it to $300 or two rounds of golf and two dinners, you’re delusional in not understanding how this works

> These bribes rarely if ever, turn out to be worth the time and mental anguish far too many people complain about 

I’ve said for more than 20 years that the marketing and sales paradigm has to change. I’ve also said that unless/until the consumer changes their behavior, nothing will change. There’s absolutely no incentive for the developers to change what they’re doing when they’re making the money they are making. 

So why doesn’t the consumer change?  Because they’re too busy clamoring for illusionary prizes. 


  1. So can anyone really get out of their timeshare. My resort, Massanutten says they won't do buy backs, no exit plan, etc. Help!

  2. Is there a way out. I stopped paying my fees to let them know I was serious about wanting out. I've called and asked for a exit plan, give back, etc. And the resort says they do none of the above. What can I do? Help!
